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:: Home > Symposia SYMPOSIA < BackYagi International Symposium (2nd Intl. Symp. on Sustainable Metals & Alloys Processing)List of Accepted Abstracts until now

Click here to see the Chair special introduction for this symposium
The symposium will feature plenary, keynote and invited lectures on:
- Fundamentals, technology and innovations on metals and alloys processing,
- Raw materials and their processing,
- Progress on reduction,
- Melting and smelting,
- Iron and steelmaking,
- Ferro-alloys,
- Nonferrous metals,
- Refining,
- Solidification,
- Energy,
- Environment,
- Recycling in metallurgical industries
as well as:
- Phase Transformation in Metals and Alloys,
- Physical Metallurgy,
- Thermal and Thermomechanical Processing of Steels,
- Tribology and Surface Engineering

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List of Accepted Abstracts until now
Florian Kongoli
FLOGEN Technologies
USA/Canada |
Tomohiro Akiyama
Hokkaido University
Japan |
Hiroshi Nogami
Tohoku University
Japan |
Koji Saito
NSSMC Research & Development
Japan |
Akio Fujibayashi
JFE Steel Corporation
Japan |
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