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:: Home > Symposia SYMPOSIA < BackDubois International Symposium (Intl Sympo. on Sustainable Complex Metallic Systems)List of Accepted Abstracts until now

Click here to see the Chair special introduction for this symposium
The symposium will address to the following selected topics:
- structure, thermodynamics and propertied of metallic glasses and liquid alloys;
- preparation, crystallography, properties and application of complex metallic alloys and quasicrystals;
- magnetism, magnetic alloys and permanent magnets;
- tailored and forefront materials, including nanomaterials, surface coatings and thin films, membranes, interfaces, lattice defects, etc.;
- characterization methods, including ultra-high resolution electron microscopy, use of large scale facilities(synchrotron, neutrons, ...) or innovative laboratory equipment.

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List of Accepted Abstracts until now
Florian Kongoli
FLOGEN Technologies Inc.
USA/Canada |
Spomenka Kobe
Jozef Stefan Institute
Slovenia |
Mariana Calin
IFW Dresden
Germany |
Chuang Dong
Dalian University of Technology
China |
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