2016 - Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit & Exhibition
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06 - 10 November 2016, Sanya Marriott Yalong Bay Resort & Spa, Hainan-Island China
More than 520 Abstracts submitted from 80 countries - Please contact us ASAP if you want to update an abstract or a full paper.
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3rd Intl. Symp. on Sustainable Energy Production: Gas/Oil/Shale; Coal; Nuclear; Waste/Bioprocessing and renewables: wind/waves

Sustainable forms of energy today are a vital focus in the entire society. The big picture involves the energy production with classical fossil and nuclear fuels that fulfill at present the energy demands. Renewable energies are being developed and applied. This symposium will cover both sides of the medal.
  • Energy production from gas, liquid and solid fossil fuels i.e. Gas/Oil/Shale/Coal which are carbon non-neutral and considered polluted forms of energy production. Deep and wide analysis and discussion will be undertaken on how these industries are coping with the reality of climate change and carbon emissions by decreasing carbon foot print, improving the efficiency and productivity, capturing CO2, etc., in order to make them more sustainable.
  • Energy production from nuclear fuels, an almost carbon neutral technology, but considered from some part of the society as a risky technology
  • Current efforts to deposit or utilize CO2 in the benefit of the society and eliminate carbon foot print
  • Developing new carbon free and renewable energy technologies
The symposium will also cover but will not be limited to efficient and sustainable efforts in existing technologies that provide the bulk of energy today
  • Advanced extraction technologies (Evaluation, Equipment, Applications, Construction, Completion) for shale gas, coal bed methane and hydrocarbon production
  • Operation, optimization and control in Petrochemical plants
  • Operation, optimization and control in Nuclear plants
  • Operation, optimization and control in Coal plants
Improving safety and efficiency of current plants
  • Nuclear Plants: resilience from earthquakes, spent fuel disposition/utilization
  • Petrochemical Plants: Detection of wear and fault prevention in gear boxes by monitoring the quality of oil: warning before failure occurs; wear optimizing; oil aging, degradation of additives, load optimizing
  • Coal Plants: decreasing carbon foot print, capturing of CO2
Round Table Discussion
A round table discussion open to everyone interested will be organized at a specific date and time with high level representatives of various technologies and industries to debate freely and without reservations all sensitive issues of all existing technologies identifying positive, neutral and negative points of all technologies in terms of sustainability.

A special attention will be dedicated to the following topics that are emerging in the energy sector:
  • The Energy Industry Within Its Transformation Towards a Targetted 100% Renewable Energy Sourced Set Up.
  • Power Storage Technologies
  • Properly Designed Power Transmission and Distribution Networks, Which Allow the Efficient and Viable Wheeling and Access Various Power Generation Sources.
  • Flexible Power Generation Technologies.
  • The Ideal Electricity Market Set Up. Aftermatch of 30 years Liberal Electricity Market Experience.
  • Digitalization of the Energy Sector.
  • Anthropogenic interference with the climate system, developments and impact of COP21/22 conferences to the Industry.

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List of Accepted Abstracts until now
Dr. Tamer Turna
Yildirim Energy

Dr. Manfred Mauntz
cmc Instruments GmbH

Prof. Harold L. Dodds
University of Tennessee
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