Technologies and equipment for energy-saving and emission-reduction
Nanotechnologies in cement and concrete production
Waste re-use, encapsulation and processing using cement
Sustainability issues
Chemistry and process of cement
- Hydration reaction
- Physical evolution and microstructure
- Composition design with SCM
- Modeling and simulation
- Preparation and chemistry of Non-Portland cement
Low-energy manufacture and chemistry of clinker
- Chemistry of clinker formation
- Emission control
- Performance optimization
- AFR use
- Special types of clinker
Testing technology and standardization
- Nontraditional testing methods
- Exhaust monitoring and evaluation
- Cement and concrete standards
Efficient utilization in concrete
- Mineral and chemical admixtures
- Resistance to aggressive environment
- Physical characteristics and microstructure
- Cement hydration
- Alternative binders
- Service life and durability

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