2015 - Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit & Exhibition
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4 - 9 October 2015, Cornelia Diamond Golf Resort & Spa, Antalya, Turkey
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Hirokazu Konishi

Osaka University

The Influence Of Initial Melt Formation On Reducibility Of Iron Ore Agglomerates
Gudenau International Symposium
(3rd Intl. Symp. on Advanced Sustainable Iron and Steel Making)

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In order to use the lower quality of iron ore with high Al2O3 content, it is important to understand the influence of Al2O3 content on reducibility of iron ore agglomerates. Reduction behavior of iron ore agglomerates of FeO-CaO-SiO2-Al2O3 were investigated under 30vol%CO-70vol%N2 gas mixture from 1000 to 1200C at 5C/min. The samples contained Al2O3 contents of 0, 2, 4 mass%. The reducibility of iron ore agglomerate decreased by Al2O3 content of 2, 4 mass% over 1100C. This result was caused by lowering the reducing gas diffusion into an unreacted region of agglomerate. Considering this, it was found that initial melt formation started and some pores of agglomerate was blocked by the initial melt over 1100C. In-situ observation of initial melt formation behavior in an iron ore agglomerate was performed from room temperature to 1200C by using a scanning laser microscope. The initial melt formation shifted to low temperature with increasing Al2O3 content, and the amount of melt also increased.

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