2015 - Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit & Exhibition
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4 - 9 October 2015, Cornelia Diamond Golf Resort & Spa, Antalya, Turkey
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Shefik Imeri


Drenica River Pollution By Ferronikeli Co. Industrial Water
4th Intl. Symp. on Environmental, Health, Policy, Legal, Management and Social Issues Related to Metals, Materials and Mineral Processing

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Metallurgical Newco Ferronikeli L.L.C is an industrial complex that produces considerable amounts of Fe-Ni, a product that is very valuable for steel and other industries and for the society development. However, due to the fact that the cleaning systems in this company were not working sufficiently well in accordance with accepted standards regarding the environment pollution, a negative impact is felt in the surrounding environment. In one hand, off gases containing dusts are discharged directly in the atmosphere and on the other, the industrial water is released in the Drenica River, causing water pollution issues in Drenas Municipality and in Kosovo as well. The aim of this investigation is to establish through a systematic water sampling and chemical analysis a complete quantitative picture of the pollution degree of Drenica River taking into account also the quantity of industrial Ferronikeli Co. waste water released every day in the river without treatment. Based on this work, recommendations will be given on methods and techniques to reduce and/or eliminate the river pollution from this industrial complex.

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