2015 - Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit & Exhibition
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4 - 9 October 2015, Cornelia Diamond Golf Resort & Spa, Antalya, Turkey
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Thomas Hochrainer

Bremen University

Thermodynamically Consistent Continuum Dislocation Dynamics And Strain Gradient Terms In Small Scale Plasticity
Aifantis International Symposium
(2nd Intl. symp. on Multiscale Material Mechanics in the 21st Century)[Size effects in plasticity: from Small to Meso Scale ]

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Dislocation based modeling of plasticity is one of the central challenges at the crossover of materials science and continuum mechanics. Developing a continuum theory of dislocations requires the solution of two long standing problems: (i) to represent dislocation kinematics in terms of a reasonable number of variables and (ii) to derive averaged descriptions of the dislocation dynamics (i.e. material laws) in terms of these variables. The kinematic problem (i) was recently solved through the introduction of continuum dislocation dynamics (CDD), which provides kinematically consistent evolution equations of dislocation alignment tensors, presuming a given average dislocation velocity [1, 2]. In the current talk we demonstrate how a free energy formulation may be used to solve the dynamic closure problem (ii) in CDD. We do so exemplarily for the lowest order CDD variant for curved dislocations in a single slip situation [2]. In this case, a thermodynamically consistent average dislocation velocity is found to comprise five mesoscopic shear stress contributions. For a postulated free energy expression we identify among these stress contributions a back-stress term and a line-tension term, both of which have already been postulated for CDD. The back-stress term is a second order strain gradient term strongly resembling a term introduced in a phenomenological strain gradient theory in a seminal paper by E. Aifantis [3]. A new stress contribution occurs, which contains a first order strain gradient. Such a stress contribution is found to be missing in earlier CDD models including the statistical continuum theory of straight parallel edge dislocations by Groma and co-workers [4]. Two entirely new stress contributions arise from the curvature of dislocations. [1] T. Hochrainer, S. Sandfeld, M. Zaiser and P. Gumbsch, 2014., JMPS 63, 167–178. [2] T. Hochrainer, 2015, Philos. Mag. 95 (12), 1321–1367 [3] Aifantis, E. C., 1987. Int. J. Plast. 3, 211–247. [4] I. Groma, F. Csikor and M. Zaiser (2015), Acta Mater. 51, 1271–1281

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