2015 - Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit & Exhibition
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4 - 9 October 2015, Cornelia Diamond Golf Resort & Spa, Antalya, Turkey
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Ruggero Santilli

CEO and Chief Scientist of Thunder Energies Corporation

New Sciences For A New Era

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Following their initiation at the Department of Mathematics of Harvard University in the early 1980s and contributions by numerous mathematicians, a covering of 20th century mathematics has been achieved for the first representation since Newton's time of particles as extended, non-spherical and deformable while moving within physical media under potential as well as contact non-potential interactions. This new mathematics has permitted the construction of a non-unitary overseeing of quantum mechanics, known as hadronic mechanics and a non-unitary covering of quantum chemistry known as hadronic chemistry, that recover 20th century theories for all mutual distances of particles bigger than their wavepackets or charge distributions., In this talk, we outline the structure of the new mathematics and the ensuing scientific advances in physics and chemistry with particular reference to the achievement of much needed environmentally acceptable, new clean energies, including new technologies currently under production and sale by publicly traded U. S. corporations. Reference: I. Gandzha and J. Kadeisvili, New Sciences for a New Era, Sankata Printing Press, Nepal (2011), http://www.santilli-foundation.org/docs/RMS.pdf

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