2015 - Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit & Exhibition
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4 - 9 October 2015, Cornelia Diamond Golf Resort & Spa, Antalya, Turkey
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Tamer Turna


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Short Bio:

Tamer Turna, was born in Stuttgart, Germany in 1967. After he graduated from mechanical engineering at Yildiz Technical University in Istanbul in 1990, he was awarded a master’s degree from YTU in the same major in 1992 and a Ph.D. in the year 2000. In July 2015 he graduated the Stanford Graduate School of Business - Executive Education Program for Fast Growing Companies. In 2015 he participated in GE-Academy Global Leadership & Executive Education Program. Before he started to work for YILDIRIM ENERGY HOLDING INC. (“YEH”) in 2011, within the field of power generation and renewable energy plant investments as the C.E.O. and Member of the Board of the company; he worked in the power sector in fields of project development, plant engineering and project management for Stromerzeugung u. Anlagenbau GmbH, Borusan Power Systems AS., CATERPILLAR Power Ventures Inc., MVV Energie AG., E.ON Power Projects AG. and TES Ltd. Dr. Turna provides a past experience of 24 GWe and a new projects screening experience of totally 61 GWe, whereby he lead the development of Greenfield projects and acquisitions of licensee companies (SPV's) with a total capacity of 4200 MWe and a braunfield acquisiton of a hydro power porfolio with a size of 150 MW. Since he joined YEH the following projects remain as his Greenfield developments; 200 MW Yildirim Power Cleaner Coal thermal power plant (“TPP”), 1260 MW Filiz Power TPP, 1320 MW Sarikaya Power TPP, 600 MW Pegai Power CCGT power plant (EPC Contract initialled as of Jan. 2015), 600 MW Rüzgartepe Power CCGT power plant. Dr. Turna is board member and C.E.O. of YEH of the SPV’s owned by YEH. Further, Since June 2013 Dr. Turna is member of the Advisory Board and the Core Committee of the POWER GEN-EUROPE Conference. He has lounged several technical and market analysis papers, received awards on domestic and international energy & power conferences. He is married and has two children.

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