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4 - 9 October 2015, Cornelia Diamond Golf Resort & Spa, Antalya, Turkey
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Raji Heyrovska

Private Research Scientist
Czech Republic

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Short Bio:

Dr. Raji Heyrovska, Ph.D. (A short C.V.) E-mail: rheyrovs@hotmail.com; http://www.jh-inst.cas.cz/~rheyrovs Education: B.Sc. (Mysore Univ., India, Major subjects: Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics), M.Sc. (Chemistry, by research, I.I.Sc., Bangalore, India; supervisors: Prof. R.D. Vold, UCLA, USA & Prof. M.R.A. Rao, I.I.Sc., Bangalore, India), Ph.D. (Chemistry, by research, Cambridge Univ., U.K., supervisor: Dr. J.N. Agar) Research positions (former): Junior & then Senior Research Asst., I.I.Sc, India; Assoc. Commonwealth Univ. Scholar: Univ. of Cambridge, UK; Visiting Research Scientist: Johns Hopkins Univ., Baltimore; Visiting Research Scholar: Chemical Heritage Foundation, Philadelphia; Senior Research Scientist: J. Heyrovsky Inst. of Physical Chemistry and Institute of Biophysics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic; Private Research Scientist (present) Publications: About 175 “scientific contributions” and 15 on “women in science”: Full list in: http://www.jh-inst.cas.cz/~rheyrovs Some “break–through” work (with some selected publications): 1. Complicated theory of complete dissociation & activity coefficients replaced quantitatively by the earlier Arrhenius' theory of partial dissociation of strong electrolytes: paper accepted with praise: J. Electrochem. Soc., 143 (1996) 1789-1793; latest review paper: Structural Chem. 24 (2013) 1895-1901. 2. Bohr radius as the sum of Golden sections pertaining to e- & p+ and establishment of the additivity of atomic and ionic radii in bond lengths: invited paper: Special Issue of Mol. Phys., 103 (2005) 877 - 882. Latest paper: 'Sorry Bohr, ground state energy of hydrogen is not negative': http://vixra.org/pdf/1506.0064v1.pdf. 3. Atomic structures of many molecules established based on “additivity of radii”: The Open Structural Biology Journal, 2 (2008) 1 - 7; http://precedings.nature.com/documents/3292/version/1 (2009); http://precedings.nature.com/documents/4357/version/1 (2010) 4. Absolute potential of the standard hydrogen electrode (SHE) established (200 years after Volta!): Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters, 12(10) (2009) F29-F30; Nature Precedings http://precedings.nature.com/documents/3395/version/1 (2009); Electrochem. Soc. Trans., 25, (2010) 159-163; Chem. Listy, 103 (2009) OP-10, s238: http://precedings.nature.com/documents/4354/version/1 (2010). 5. Interatomic distances & bond angles in simple molecules related to Bohr radii, radii of electron & nuclei via the Golden ratio. (Int. J. Sci., Vol 2, 1-4, Issue: Apr-2013 http://www.ijsciences.com/pub/pdf/V2-201304-08.pdf ; Int. J. Sci., Vol 2, 63-68, Issue-Apr-2013, http://www.ijsciences.com/pub/pdf/V2-201304-18.pdf; http://vixra.org/pdf/1507.0190v1.pdf Some selected honors: Invited Plenary Lecturer: "Symposium Svante Arrhenius", Uppsala, Sweden, 2003, commemorating the 100th Anniversary of the award of the Nobel Prize to Arrhenius. Invited Women's team leader: IUPAP conferences on Women in Physics, in 2002 (France), 2005 (Brazil) and 2008 (S. Korea). Invited speaker: "Symposium: International Women in Science, Challenges and Triumphs", dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the award of the Nobel Prize to Marie Curie, IYC 2011, ACS Mtg, CA. Keynote talk: Shechtman International Symposium, Cancun, Mexico, June/July 2014. Lead Lecturer: Eurasia 13 Chem. Conf., Banglaore, India, December 2014. Many other lectures, seminars, invited talks: in various conferences and institutions in USA, S. America, Canada, UK, Europe, Japan and Asia. Membership in scientific bodies: Electrochemical Society, USA; World Innovation Foundation, UK; International Advisory Board of Eurasia Chemistry Conferences; ACS (USA) & AAAS (USA). Other interests: Enjoyed traveling and exploring the world from Tokyo (130.7 E) to Pearl Harbor (157.8 W) and Spitzbergen (up to 80.02 N) to Rio de Janeiro (22.9 S). Notably exotic was the trip by boat to Spitzbergen inspired by the fascinating paintings and photos in the Scott Polar Research Institute, Cambridge, UK.

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