2015 - Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit & Exhibition
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4 - 9 October 2015, Cornelia Diamond Golf Resort & Spa, Antalya, Turkey
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Patrizio Neff

University Duisburg-Essen
Germany (Deutschland)

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Short Bio:

My scientific teacher Prof. H.-D. Alber introduced me to the field of applied mathematics and mechanics. Thanks to him, I grew up in the stimulating working environment of the collaborative research center SFB 298 „Deformation and failure in metallic and granular materials“, where I did my Ph.D. on mathematical problems in finite strain viscoplasticity in the year 2000. In the academic year 2001-02 I had the opportunity to join Prof. M. Ortiz research group at Caltech. I habilitated at TU Darmstadt in 2004. From 2002 until 2009 I was lecturing in Darmstadt. Meanwhile I was interim W3-professor (Analysis) at the mathematics department of the University of Essen. Since 2009 I hold the chair of Nonlinear Analysis and Modelling at the faculty of Mathematics of the University of Duisburg-Essen. From 2010 to 2012 I have been Dean of Studies of the faculty. In 2011 I became responsible for organizing the pre-study program of Mathematics for the University Duisburg-Essen (MINT-Program).

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