2015 - Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit & Exhibition
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4 - 9 October 2015, Cornelia Diamond Golf Resort & Spa, Antalya, Turkey
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Martin Grossbeck

University of Tennessee
United States

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Short Bio:

MARTIN L. GROSSBECK Education Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute B.S. (cum laude) 1966 Physics Cornell University M.S. 1968 Physics University of Illinois Ph.D. 1975 Metallurgical Engineering Positions 2002-Pres. Research Professor, Department of Nuclear Engineering, University of Tennessee. Research areas include burnable poisons for nuclear reactors, corrosion in liquid alkali metals, welds for space reactor systems, and behavior of refractory alloys in liquid lithium. Courses on nuclear systems design, radiation protection, reactor theory, and nuclear engineering fundamentals have been taught. 1975-2002 Senior Research Staff Member, Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Research interests focused on radiation effects on materials. 1971-1975 Graduate Student, University of Illinois. Thesis research on hydrogen embrittlement in refractory metals. 1967-1971 Instructor of Reactor Physics, U.S. Naval Nuclear Power School, Mare Island, CA. Taught naval officer courses in physics, reactor theory, and nuclear safety. Scientific and Professional Societies Fellow of American Nuclear Society, Chair of Publications Steering Committee, Member of Finance Committee, and Planning Committee; Fellow of American Society for Metals, Past Chairman of Oak Ridge Chapter; Member of Sigma Xi, Past Chairman of Oak Ridge Chapter; Sigma Pi Sigma, Tau Beta Pi, ASTM, and the American Vacuum Society. Biographical Sketch Dr. Grossbeck joined the University of Tennessee in 2002 as a research professor in the Nuclear Engineering Department. He also serves as a consultant for Delta-M Corporation, and TerraPower. He has conducted research on fusion materials in conjunction with Oak Ridge National Laboratory and has done research on burnable absorbers for nuclear reactors. He has also conducted research on rare earth and refractory metals. From 1975 until 2002, Dr. Grossbeck served as a research scientist in the Radiation Effects Group of the Metals and Ceramics Division of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. From 1967 to 1971 he was an Instructor of Reactor Physics at the U.S. Naval Nuclear Power School at Mare Island, CA. While at ORNL, he performed basic and applied research in nuclear materials, concentrating on mechanical properties of irradiated materials. His work has involved fatigue, fracture, swelling, irradiation deformation and creep, microstructural evolution, hydrogen and helium embrittlement, and welding of refractory metals and irradiated materials. He has also worked on the development of mechanisms for in-reactor deformation at low temperatures involving radiation-induced defects. Although he has worked primarily on Fusion Materials he has also worked on space reactor materials, liquid metal fast breeder reactor materials, materials for tritium production reactors and accelerators, and gas-cooled reactor fuels. In connection with an EPRI research contract, Dr. Grossbeck studied repair welding in helium-containing structures for boiling water reactors, in collaboration with Auburn University. As an adjunct professor of Materials Engineering at Auburn University, he supervised two Ph.D. theses in the area of welding of He-doped and irradiated stainless steels. Dr. Grossbeck has also consulted for the TVA, Bettis Atomic Power Laboratory, Westinghouse Electric Co., and the Korean Atomic Energy Research Institute. For application as a thermal neutron shield, he directed a project on the development of europium oxide ceramic neutron absorbers. Some of his recent research has been on burnable neutron absorbers for use in commercial nuclear reactors. In addition, he has conducted research on vanadium alloys in liquid lithium at high temperatures. More recently he has conducted research on the effect of high-temperature sodium and potassium on welds for application to space reactors. Dr. Grossbeck supervises three graduate students and teaches undergraduate and graduate nuclear engineering courses.

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