2015 - Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit & Exhibition
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4 - 9 October 2015, Cornelia Diamond Golf Resort & Spa, Antalya, Turkey
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Alberto Hassan

IIMA-International Iron Metallics Association Ltd.

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Short Bio:

Alberto Hassan Alberto Hassan has 49 years of industrial experience including 35 years in the steel industry. He was instrumental in the development of the Hot Briquetted Iron (HBI) industry in Venezuela, as well as the FINMET® Process Technology. Among others, he served as General Manager of Siderurgica Venezolana, SIVENSA, responsible for the Caracas, Barquisimeto and Guayana steel plants, General Manager of FIOR de Venezuela, Project Director of VENPRECAR (Direct reduction plant) and CASIMA Steel mill as well as Executive Director of VENPRECAR, President & CEO of ORINOCO IRON, responsible for the financing, engineering, construction and operation of the world’s largest HBI complex, President of the COPAL Palua Port, President of BRIFER (the Technology Co. of the Finmet Process), President of IBMS, the marketing and sales arm of Orinoco Iron in the US and President of SDP International Corp, (a specialized procurement and logistics company located in Miami, FL). Hassan spent 14 years at General Motors de Venezuela and held positions of Factory Manager, Production Manager among others. Mr. Hassan founded in 1999 the HBIA, Hot Briquetted Iron Association Ltd., the international trade association for HBI, and served as Chairman until its merger in 2011 with the International Pig Iron Association (IPIA) to form International Iron Metallics Association (IIMA). He held the position of president of the association until 2013; he is currently a Director and special advisor in direct reduction. Mr. Hassan is the founder and partner of HR Consulting C.V., a specialized Iron and Steel Industry consulting firm and Chairman of the Board of Northern Iron. He has published various papers on the steel industry, direct reduction, and HBI – the product and the processes used to make it. He has been a guest speaker at a number of steel industry conferences and forums in North and South America, Europe, Asia and Oceania. Mr. Hassan is fluent in Spanish, French, and English.

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