2015 - Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit & Exhibition
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4 - 9 October 2015, Cornelia Diamond Golf Resort & Spa, Antalya, Turkey
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Zhang Leru

Changsha Engineering & Research Institute Ltd. of Nonferrous Metallurgy (CINF)

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Short Bio:

My name is Zhang Leru, I am graduated from Central South University of China with a bachelor degree in metallurgy in July 1982. Professional Title: Professor-level senior engineer; National design master in nonferrous metal industry Career: 4 years working with Zhuzhou Smelter Group Co. 29 years working with Changsha Engineering & Research Institute Ltd. of Nonferrous Metallurgy Experiences: Acted as Project Manager for more than 20 large or medium size smelter projects, including JCC 200ktpa Pb and Zn Complex Plant (Pb operation applies Kivcet process), Zhuzhou Smelter Group 100ktpa Pb Plant (Kivcet), Laibin 12ktpa Tin Plant, Shaoguan Smelter 100ktpa ISP Plant, Guangxi Southern Smelter project, Guangxi Chengyuan Smelter Pb and Tin Plant etc. Also the key member of the National 863 Program in the subject of Technology in Direct Smelting of Pb Concentrate Blended with Leach Residue Main Achievement: Issued with 1 National Invention Patent Granted with 1 ministerial level gold prize and 2 silver prizes of Technology Advancement, and 2 gold prize of Engineering Excellency Publishment: Two books: New Technologies for Pb and Zn Metallurgy; Modern Pb and Zn Metallurgy

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