2015 - Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit & Exhibition
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4 - 9 October 2015, Cornelia Diamond Golf Resort & Spa, Antalya, Turkey
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Fernand Marquis

San Diego State University, Department of Mechanical Engineering
United States

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Short Bio:

Dr. Marquis is a Professor at the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the San Diego State University in San Diego California, and has also been a Professor at the Wayne E. Meyer Institute of Systems Engineering and the Department of Systems Engineering at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey California. His most recent research focuses on Nanotechnology and Nanosystems, Nanostructured Hybrid Material Systems, Alternative and Renewable Energy Systems, Defense Energy Systems and Thermal Management Systems and Nano and Microstructural Design of Multifunctional Materials. He received advanced degrees from the Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine (PhD and DIC), and from the University of Lisbon (PhD and Diploma of Engineering). He has been an active Chartered Engineer in the Council of Engineering Institutions in UK and a Registered Professional Metallurgical Engineer and a Registered Professional Chemical and Industrial Engineer in Portugal. He taught extensively at the Department of Mechanical and Astronautical Engineering at the Naval Postgraduate School and at the Department of Materials and Metallurgical Engineering at the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology. He has been a Visiting Professor at the Department of Applied Mechanics and Engineering Science at the University of California, San Diego, and at the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at the University of Delaware and Academic Visitor at the Imperial College of Science and Technology, London, UK. In addition he taught considerably at the Instituto Superior Tecnico, at the University of Minho and at the University of Coimbra, in Portugal. <br><br> He has several patents and patent applications, eleven disclosed inventions of available technologies for licensing and commercialization, over ninety refereed publications, edited eight books, and wrote several book chapters, over 35 special reports and five monographs. He supervised over 35 Master and PhD students, delivered over 30 invited and keynote lectures and gave over 80 contributed presentations. He has received many TMS awards and other awards such as FASM, Fellow Royal Microscopical Society, ,Who' Who in Engineering, Entrepeneurs of America, Faculty Award for Teaching with Technology (Governor of the State of South Dakota) He is an ABET Program Evaluator for Materials Engineering, Metallurgical Engineering and Polymer Engineering. He has been and is a member of many global Professional Societies, Professional Organizations and Advisory Boards, Editorial Boards (such as Portugaliae Physica), Board of Trustees (such as Alpha Sigma Mu) and several Award Committees where he served and continues to serve extensively. He has been engaged in the organization of many International Conferences, Workshops and Symposia in many different global venues. He is a Paul Harris Fellow and a Member of the Rotary International, leaved and worked in several countries and speaks fluently five languages. <br><br> More recently he has organized very successfully a very large number of International Conferences, Workshops and Symposia under the umbrella of many Societies and Organizations such as Engineering Conferences International and independently in many different global venues. Some typical examples are the JAPMED series (Japanese-Mediterranean Workshop on Applied Electromagnetic Engineering for Magnetic, Superconducting and Nanomaterials): III (Athens, Greece-2003), IV (Cairo-2005) and V (Cyprus-2007); and the PRICM series. He donated extensively in time and energy during 31 years of Service to TMS and served and serves in many Divisions and. Committees such as: Materials Design and Manufacturing Division, Professional Registration Certification, Accreditation, Powder Materials, Mechanical Behavior, Composites and Program Representative. At the Service of TMS he has organized seven (7) International Symposia and was part of the US/ International Organizing Committee for PRICM-6 (Jeju Island, Korea) and PRICM-7(Cairns, Australia), the USA In-Country Technical Representative for PRICM-7 and the Congress Organizing Chair for PRICM-8 (Waikoloa Village, Hawaii, 2013). Throughout his professional carrier Prof. Marquis has developed and sustained very strong research programs, and has been a Member of several professional collaborations within the USA and in other countries all over the world. <br><br> He has been a reviewer for many International Journals such as: Journal of Materials Research, Journal of Material Science and Engineering, Materials Research Forum, Metallurgical Transactions, Journal of Materials, Royal Society of Chemistry, Advanced Materials Forum In addition he has served in many Review panels and has reviewed many research proposals for several Agencies.

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