2015 - Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit & Exhibition
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4 - 9 October 2015, Cornelia Diamond Golf Resort & Spa, Antalya, Turkey
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Dominique Mangelinck


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Short Bio:

Dominique Mangelinck is CNRS research director in the field of reaction and diffusion at the nanoscale in particular for microelectronics. He has obtained in 1995 a Ph.D. in Materials Science that was on the alloy effect on the formation, the epitaxy and stress of nickel silicide. From 1996 to 1997, he held a postdoctoral position at the Royal Institute of Technology of Stockholm (Sweden) to study the redistribution of dopant in silicide and in SiGe, and the formation and electrical properties on alloyed Fe silicide. From 1998 to 2000, he has been research fellow in the Institute of Materials Research and Engineering (Singapore) to develop the integration of the Ni monosilicide in microelectronics through the salicide process. Since 2000, he is CNRS researcher in the insitute materials microelectronics nanoscience of Provence (IM2NP): his research covers diffusion and reaction in thin films for different systems (metal, semiconductor, oxide) but is focussed on (i) the formation of silicide and germanides (ii) the redistribution of dopants and alloy elements in these compounds (iii) the formation of contacts in microelectronics. He has published more than 130 scientific papers and holds 4 patents. He has received the bronze medal from CNRS in 2003. He has managed teams in Singapore and in IM2NP. He has been in charge of industrial collaborations with microelectronics companies (CSM, STMicroelectronics and ATMEL) and of several academic projects. He is now involved in several industrial collaborations and projects. He is in charge of the atom probe (LEAP3000XHR) and the associated dual beam FIB in Marseille. Selected 5 publications: D Mangelinck et al, Atom probe tomography for advanced metallization, Microelectronic Eng., 120 (2014) 19 Panciera F, Hoummada K, Gregoire M, Juhel M, Bicais N , Mangelinck D, "Three dimensional distributions of arsenic and platinum within NiSi contact and gate of an n-type transistor" Appl. Phys. Let. 99 (2011) 051911. D Mangelinck, K Hoummada, A Portavoce, C Perrin, R Daineche, M Descoins, D J Larson, P H Clifton, Three-dimensional composition mapping of NiSi phase distribution and platinum diffusion via grain boundaries in Ni2Si, Scripta Mater. 62 (2010) 568 Blum I., A. Portavoce, D. Mangelinck, R. Daineche, K. Hoummada, J. L. Lábár, V. Carron, and C. Perrin, Lattice and grain-boundary diffusion of As in Ni2Si, J. Appl. Phys. vol 104, art 114312 (2008) Mangelinck D., Dai J. Y., Pan J., and Lahiri S. K, "Enhancement of thermal stability of NiSi films on (100)Si and (111)Si by Pt addition", Appl. Phys. Lett. 75 (1999) 1736.

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