2015 - Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit & Exhibition
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4 - 9 October 2015, Cornelia Diamond Golf Resort & Spa, Antalya, Turkey
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David Gao

Federation University Australia/Australi and National University

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Short Bio:

David Y. Gao received his PhD from Tsinghua University. He has held research and teaching positions in different institutes including MIT, Yale, Harvard, University of Michigan, and Virginia Tech. Currently, he is the Alexander Rubinov Chair Professor of Mathematics at Federation University Australia and a Research Professor of Engineering Science at Australian National University. Professor Gao is the author of about 10 monograph/handbook/special volumes and more than 170 research papers on mathematical modeling, modern mechanics, applied analysis, nonlinear PDEs, nonconvex/nonsmooth variational methods, large deformation structural theory (beams, plates, and shells), complex dynamical systems, bifurcation theory, phase transitions in solids, global optimization and control, operations research, information theory, decision science, numerical methods and computational science with extensive applications in physics, engineering, and general systems. Professor Gao is an editor-in-chief for three book series including Advances in Mechanics and Mathematics by Springer. He is also an associate editor of about eight international journals. Since 2000, Professor Gao has delivered over 30 keynote/plenary/invited lectures at international conferences and more than 60 colloquium talks at different universities and institutions. As the chair and co-chair, he has organized successfully about 10 world congress/conferences. Currently, he is serving as the Secretary-General and Vice President of the International Society of Global Optimization.

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