2015 - Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit & Exhibition
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4 - 9 October 2015, Cornelia Diamond Golf Resort & Spa, Antalya, Turkey
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Angela Madeo

Maitre de Conference, HDR

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Short Bio:

Since 2010 Angela Madeo is Associate Professor at INSA-Lyon, one of the best engineering schools in France. She obtained her Habilitation (HDR) in December 2014. After a Master of Science in Civil/Environmental Engineering at the University of Rome La Sapienza in 2005 and a second Master Degree in Engineering Science and Mechanics at Virginia Tech, United States, in 2006, she obtains her PhD in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics at La Sapienza in 2009. Her current research activities are focused on the study of Generalized Continuum Theories (Second Gradient, Micromorphic, etc.) with a view towards their applications to cases of real engineering interest. In particular, she envisages the application of such Generalized Continuum Theories to: the propagation of waves in metamaterials: dispersive behaviors and frequency band gaps, the mechanics of fibrous composite reinforcements: effect of the local bending of the yarns on the overall behavior of such materials, the bio-mechanics of bones: effect of remodeling on the functional adaptation of bone in presence or absence of artificial bio-resorbable materials the dynamical behavior of concrete: microstructure-related energy dissipation under cyclic loading. Author of more than 25 papers in rank A peer reviewed journals, she is considered one of the most promising young researchers in the domain of the mechanics of complex systems, in France and abroad. She is the recipient of the CNRS bronze medal 2015 thanks to her works concerning the study of the effect of the microstructure of metamaterials on their macroscopic mechanical behavior. Convinced that original and satisfactory results can be more easily obtained if one works with pleasure, she tries to transfer this idea to her PhD students as well as to the students to whom she teaches her classes. The topic of her presentation will focus on the introduction of the so-called relaxed micromorphic model and on its application to the study of wave propagation in unbounded continua with microstructure. The relaxed micromorphic model is not definite-positive in the sense of Mindlin and Eringen, but semi-definite positive only. Nevertheless, well posedness results can be still proven for the considered problem. By studying dispersion relations for the introduced relaxed medium, one is able to disclose precise frequency ranges (band-gaps) for which propagation of waves cannot occur. Unlike the relaxed micromorphic model, other generalized models (Cosserat, classical micromorphic) are not able to describe complete frequency band gaps. The potential fields of application of the proposed relaxed model are manifold, above all for what concerns the conception and modeling of new engineering materials to be used for vibration control and stealth technology.

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