2015 - Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit & Exhibition
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4 - 9 October 2015, Cornelia Diamond Golf Resort & Spa, Antalya, Turkey
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Alessandro Pescetelli

Texeco Consulting

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Short Bio:

Alessandro Pescetelli graduated in Chemical Engineering and Metallurgy, in Rome University in 1970, and began his career in Peñarroya Group as Production Engineer and Plant Technical Responsible) of one zinc electrolytic plant, until 1979. After a 2 years experience in Technipetrol (a Company of Technip Group, France) as Project Manager, he joined in 1980 to SAMIM Ltd (thereafter named ENIRisorse), a company of ENI Group, and participated in several investment projects in primary activities (zinc and lead) and in secondary activities as well (lead, zinc, copper, aluminum), being appointed as Project Manager and thereafter Head Office Technical Manager. In 1994 left EniRisorse, and established a private Company, Texeco Engineering Ltd.with a group of managers and professionals with an extensive experience mainly in the metallurgical, petrochemical, environmental protection fields. Along over ten years of activities, TEXECO was mostly involved in projects and consulting activities concerning metal recycling and environmental protection. Government Bodies like the Ministry of Environment, Universities, and Recycling Consortium, besides private industrial foreign and national Companies as well, have been reputable Customers of TEXECO . After the Texeco closure in 2005, he is presently Owner and Managing Director of a smaller organization, Texeco Consulting s.a.s., which, also through a number of Associates, is mostly focused on providing counseling and assistance services mainly in the primary and secondary lead projects, and besides in other recycling topics.

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