Volume 12: Trovalusci Intl. Symp. / Multiscale & Multiphysics Modelling of Complex Materials.
ISBN: 978-1-989820-56-8 (CD) / ISSN: 2291-1227
Edited by: F. Kongoli, E. Aifantis, R. Das, V.Eremeyev, N. Fantuzzi.
SUMMIT PLENARIES- FLOGEN Sustainability Framework the Benchmark for Every Project - Part 1, sips22_49_548, Prof. Florian Kongoli
- Discovery of Nitric Oxide and Cyclic GMP in Cell Signaling
and their role in drug discovery and development, sips22_46_135, Prof. Ferid Murad
- Technological Entrepreneurship - Key to World Prosperity and Peace, sips22_49_477, Prof. Dan Shechtman
- Dawn of antioxidant therapy, sips22_54_537, Prof. Haruhiko Inufusa
- Materials for the future, sips22_43_501, Prof. Sir Konstantin Novoselov
- The molecular Links between Ageing and Neurodegeneration, sips22_54_523, Prof. Nektarios Tavernarakis
- SUSTAINABLE LEGACY: How SIPS and Flogen Sustainabilty Framework inspired the thouroughness of an Environmental Preservation project in the Brazilian Atlantic Rainforest Biome., sips22_10_546, Prof. Alan Lopes
- The exoplanet revolution, sips22_46_3, Prof. Didier Queloz
- The Nobel Laureate Campaign Supporting GMOs, sips22_10_492, Sir Richard Roberts
- The Communications Revolution was enabled by lithium batteries, now taking on climate change., sips22_14_499, Prof. M Stanley Whittingham
- Technology, Learning and Humanity, sips22_49_552, Prof. Subra Suresh
- Transformative Materials and Sustainable Development, sips22_43_553, Dr. Fernand Marquis
- FLOGEN Sustainability Framework the Benchmark for Every Project - Part 2, sips22_49_549, Prof. Florian Kongoli
- COVID-19 is also a Bioethical Challenge, sips22_68_521, Prof. Aaron Ciechanover
- Impact of Basic Research on Innovation in Health-Related industries, sips22_65_520, Prof. Avram Hershko
- The Molecules of Life: DNA, RNA, Proteins. History Placed in Perspective, sips22_49_554, Prof. Kurt Wüthrich
- Impact of COVID and Selected Material upon Students in the Organic Chemistry Classroom, sips22_68_497, Prof. Donna J. Nelson
- Higher Efficiency Solar Cells and Hydrogen Gas Production from Water Splitting Using Carbon-Based Compounds and Materials, sips22_52_526, Prof. Luis Echegoyen
VOLUME 12- Editor Foreword
- Coarse-graining approaches for complex materials and non classical/non-local local continuum Formulations (Plenary), sips22_64_459, Trovalusci,
- Stochastic upscaling: Probability based size and scale effects (Plenary), sips22_64_399FS, Ibrahimbegovic,
- Dynamic analysis of cosserat media for anisotropic homogenized materials (Plenary), sips22_64_128FS, Fantuzzi,
Nicholas; Trovalusci,
Patrizia; Colatosti,
- On the coupling of data-driven computing and model-driven computing for composite materials and structures (Keynote), sips22_64_467FS, Hu,
Heng; Yang,
Jie; Huang,
Wei; Huang,
- Improvements in the analysis of nonlocal elasticity for nanostructures (Keynote), sips22_64_490FS, Barretta,
- An overview on law- and data-based computational methods (Plenary), sips22_64_480, Liu,
Gui Rong;
- Shape memory polymers, sips22_64_308, Chen,
- A new method to determine elastic properties by ultrasonic waves, sips22_64_96FS, Hu,
Yue; Zhang,
Lei; Cui,
- An adaptive phase field method for modelling crack propagation in Li-ion Batteries (Keynote), sips22_64_259, Natarajan,
Sundararajan; Aifantis,
Katerina; Wang,
- Finite line method for thermal stress analysis of composite structures, sips22_64_330, Gao,
Xiao Wei;
- Combined gradient-stochastic models for composites [k] (Keynote), sips22_64_376, Konstantinidis,
Avraam; Aifantis,
- What can turbulence in fluids tell us about turbulence in solids? (Keynote), sips22_64_256FS, Generalis,
- Multi-physics phase field modelling of fracture, fatigue and environmental damage (Keynote), sips22_64_257, Paneda-Martinez,
- On oscillations of a thin structures considering dynamic and surface-related flexoelectric properties, sips22_64_131, Eremeyev,
Victor; Malikan,
Mohammad; Litvinchuk,
Svetlana; Igumnov,
- On fundamental role of length scale parameter for assessment of the material fracture based on new concept of stress concentration in nonsingular crack mechanics in gradient elasticity (Plenary), sips22_64_307, Lurie,
Sergey; Solyaev,
- Continuum elastoplasticity theory : an approach based on differential geometry, sips22_64_319, Rakotomanana,
- Compression after impact of Glass/Epoxy laminates, sips22_64_129, Gliszczynski,
- Asymptotic mathematical modeling of thin thermoelastic junctions, sips22_64_111, Licht,
Christian; Weller,
- Multi-scale modeling of Anode-supported solid oxide fuel cells (Poster), sips22_64_438, Jeon,
Dong Hyup;