Foreword [p. 1xxi]
Editors’ Biographies [p. 1xxiii]
Organizing Committee [p. 1xxv]
International Organizing Committee [p. 1xxvi]
Session Chairpersons [p. 1xxxi]
Sponsors and Co-Sponsors [p. 1xxxiii]
Logos of Organizational Co-Sponsors [p. 1xxxvii]
Logos of Corporate Co-Sponsors [p. xcv]
Professor H.Y. Sohn - Biography [pp. 3-36]
It Is All About Energy [pp. 37-42]
The Precious Art of Metals Recycling [pp.
F. Vanbellen, and M. Chintinne
Nonferrous Metal Recycling in Korea: The Present and the
Future [pp. 53-56]
K.-I. Rhee
The Role of Processes Modeling in Iron and Steelmaking
[pp. 57-68]
P.C. Chaubal
Liquidus Relations of Calcium Ferrite and Ferrous Calcium
Silicate Slag in
Continuous Copper Converting
[pp. 69-88]
F. Kongoli, I. McBow, A. Yazawa, Y. Takeda, K.
Yamaguchi, R. Budd, and S. Llubani
Recent Developments in Copper Hydrometallurgy (Abstract
Only) [p. 751]
J.O. Marsden
Remembrance of Academic Mentors and Early Associates
[pp. 91-96]
H.Y. Sohn
Expansion and Modernization of Onsan Smelter (Invited)
[pp. 97-110]
H.Y. Cho, K.H. Lee, J.S. Chang, W.C. Seo, and J.Y.
Expansion Project and Progress in the Sumitomo Metal Mining
Toyo Smelter and Refinary (Invited) [pp. 111-122]
H. Kurokawa, H.
Satoh, M. Takebayashi, and K. Yamamoto
Analysis of Copper Loss in Slag in Tamano Type Flash
Smelting Furnace (Invited) [pp. 123-134]
M. Furuta, S. Tanaka, M.
Hamamoto, and H. Inada
Experience and Success with BSF Lead Smelting in Nordenham,
Germany (Invited) [pp. 135-150]
U. Kerney
Yunnan Copper’s Isasmelt—Successful Smelter
Modernization in China (Invited) [pp. 151-162]
Y.F. Shi
Commissioning of the Ausmelt Lead Smelter at Hindustan Zinc
(Invited) [pp. 163-172]
R. McClelland, J. Hoang, B. Lightfoot, and D.
Expansion of Gresik Copper Smelter and Refinery
(Invited) [pp. 173-180]
M. Hayashi, N. Hasegawa, B.P. Handogo, and A.
The Slag Cleaning Technologies for One-Stage Flash Smelting
of KGHM Polska Miedz Concentrates (Invited) [pp. 181-198]
Czernecki, Z. Smieszek, Z. Miczkowski, N. Kubacz, J. Dobrza?ski, J. Staszak,
and L. Byszynski
SPCC’s 1,200,000 TPA Copper Isasmelt (Invited)
[pp. 199-210]
H. Walqui, C. Noriega, P. Partington, and G.
Recent Operational Improvements at Saganoseki Smelter
(Invited) [pp. 211-222]
Y. Suzuki, F. Hashiuchi, and Y.
Copper Production with Outokumpu Flash Smelting: An Update
(Invited) [pp. 225-238]
I.V. Kojo, and H. Storch
The Development of the Codelco-Chile Continuous Converting
Process (Invited) [pp. 239-250]
A. Moyano, C. Caballero, R. Mackay,
P. Morales, D. Cordero, and J. Font
Isasmelt Copper Converting: A Review of Possibilities and
Challenges (Invited) [pp. 251-260]
J.M. Rapkoch, and M.
Technological Innovations in the Mitsubishi Process to
Achieve Four Years Campaign (Invited) [pp. 261-274]
T. Taniguchi, T.
Matsutani, and H. Sato
Isasmelt™—6,000,000 TPA and Rising (Invited)
[pp. 275-290]
P.S. Arthur
Inco Flash Furnace Froth Column Modifications (Invited)
[pp. 291-302]
J. Liu, M.H.I. Baird, P. Kenny, B. Macnamara, and A.
Outokumpu Blister Flash Smelting Processes (Invited)
[pp. 303-312]
E.J. Peuraniemi, and M. Lahtinen
The State of the Art in Nickel Smelting: Direct Outokumpu
Nickel Technology [pp. 313-326]
T. Mäkinen and P.
Two-Zone Vaniukov Furnace: New Potential in Copper and
Nickel Production [pp. 327-332]
M.V. Knyazev, A.G. Ryabko, L.B.
Tsymbulov, and L.S. Tsemekhman
Initial Bath-Melt Making at Onsan by Flash Reaction
(Keynote) [pp. 335-342]
K.-H. Lee, S.-S. Park, W.-C. Seo, and J.-S.
Refining of High-Nickel Copper by Silicon-Containing
Reagents [pp. 343-352]
A.I. Volkhin, and E.I. Eliseev
Effect of Calcium Oxide Content in Feed Charge on
Performance Indicators of Smelting in Sparged Bath [pp. 353-356]
Tarasov, M.Yu. Malkova, and V.V. Kozyrev
Practical Metallurgy for Continuous Converting in the
Mitsubishi Process (Invited) [pp. 357-366]
F. Tanaka
Phase Relations of Ferrous Calcium Silicate Slag and Its
Possible Application in the Industrial Practice (Keynote) [pp.
F. Kongoli, I. McBow, and A. Yazawa
Smelting of High Arsenic Concentrates Via Teniente Converter
(Invited) [pp. 387-396]
C.M. Acuna, and M. Sherrington
Specific Features of Autogenous Smelting of Sulfide Raw
Materials Using Oxygen-Flame Process [pp. 397-406]
V.M. Paretsky, and
A.V. Tarasov
Study on the Reducing-Matting-Smelting of Stibnite
Concentrate to Directly Produce Antimony [pp. 407-418]
Y. Chen, M.
Tang, C. Huang, C. Tang, and W. Yao
Pyrrhotite Concentrate Sulfidizing [pp.
L.N. Ertzeva, L.Sh. Tzemekhman, and V.T. Diachenko
Elemental Sulphur Fixation in Smelting Gas: Is It Feasible?
(Keynote) [pp. 425-432]
T. Okura, S. Ueda, and K.
A Harmony in Natural and Man-Made Sulfur Cycles [pp.
E. Shibata, N. Sato, T. Nakamura, T. Okura, M. Ogasawara, and M.
The Metallurgical Sulfuric Acid Plant Design, Operating &
Materials Considerations 2006 Update [pp. 437-456]
L.J. Friedman, and
S.J. Friedman
New Types of Sulphur and Non-Conventional Methods for Its
Use [pp. 457-462]
O.G. Yeremin, V.A. Tanayants, and V.M.
Production of Elemental Sulphur from Metallurgical Gases by
Direct High- and Low-Temperature Catalytic SO2 Reduction [pp.
A.V. Tarasov, and O.G. Yeremin
Production of Elemental Sulfur from SO2 (RSR)
[pp. 469-488]
M. Rameshni, and S. Santo
Fluor SOx Cleanup Process—A Cost Effective
“SO2 to Elemental Sulfur” Technology for Global Green
Environment [pp. 489-498]
T.K. Chow, V.W. Wong, T.M. Flood, and J.A.
Evaluation of the Efficiency of a Gas Purging System in a
Copper Anode Furnace [pp. 499-508]
K. Gamweger
Thermal Reduction of Vaniukov Furnace Sulfurous
Oxygen-Bearing Off-Gas by Methane [pp. 509-516]
The Stage Selective Roasting, An Efficient Way for the
Treatment of Arsenical and Antimonical Bearing Concentrates and Other Complex
Metallurgical By-Products (Keynote) [pp. 519-528]
A New Advanced CFD Model for Flash Smelting and Converting
Processes [pp. 529-544]
T. Ahokainen, A. Jokilaakso, P. Taskinen, and
M. Kytö
Method for Optimising Current Efficiency by Repairing
Permanent Cathodes (Abstract Only) [p. 753]
J. Lemke
Prediction of Combustion Phenomena in Flash Smelting Furnace
for Production Enhancement Using a Mathematical Model (Invited) [pp.
Y. Sasaki, Y. Mori, Y. Hattori, and A. Tanabe
Furnace Lining Analysis and Design by Mathematical and
Physicochemical Modeling (Keynote) [pp. 561-576]
R. Parra, L.F.
Verdeja, M.F. Barbés, and C. Goñi
Mathematical Model for the Fragmentation of Copper Matte
Particles Oxidized Under Flash Converting Conditions (Invited) [pp.
M. Pérez-Tello, I.M. Madrid-Ortega, and H.Y.
Thermal Conductivity of Copper Flash Smelting Flue Dust
(Invited) [pp. 591-598]
E. Nurminen, M. Rouvinen, and J.
Efficient and Portable Mathematical Models for Simulating
Heat Transfer in Electric Furnaces for Sulphide Smelting [pp.
Y. Pan, S. Sun, and S. Jahanshahi
Sampling Campaigns for the Characterization of Flash
Smelting Combustion of Copper Concentrates [pp. 615-630]
R. Parada,
F. Castro, M. Parada, C. González, and R. Parra
Graphite Reduction of Molten Nickel Matte/Oxysulfide/Slag
Part I: Slag and Oxysulfide Reduction (Invited) [pp. 633-648]
J. Liu,
and T.A. Utigard
Graphite Reduction of Molten Nickel Matte/Oxysulfide/Slag
Part II: Nickel Matte and Slag+Matte Reduction [pp. 649-660]
J. Liu,
and T.A. Utigard
Kinetics and Mechanism of Copper Slag Cleaning by Injection
of Natural Gas (Invited) (Abstract Only) [p. 755]
D. Langberg, M.
Somerville, and T. Briffa
Analysis of Solids Flow in Flash Furnace Burner Concentrate
Chutes (Keynote) [pp. 661-672]
P. Koh, F. Jorgensen, and B.
Copper Isasmelt—Dealing with Impurities (Invited)
[pp. 673-686]
G.R. Alvear, S.P. Hunt, and B. Zhang
Validation of the Olympic Dam Flash Furnace Burner and
Reaction Shaft Model—Comparison of Model with Plant Measurements
(Invited) [pp. 687-702]
C. Solnordal, F. Jorgensen, and A.
Installation and Operating Performance of the New Dry
Concentrate Injection System on the Modified Teniente Converter (CT) Unit at
KCMS Nkana Smelter in Zambia (Invited) [pp. 703-716]
M. Syamujulu,
and T. Smith
The Clyde-Worleyparsons Flash Furnace Feed System: A New
Approach [pp. 717-730]
M.E. Reed, C.U. Jones, P.A. Cockburn, D.E.
Fallas, B. Snowdon, P.E. Walker, and R.C. Sims
FLOGEN« Technologies Inc. [p. 733]
Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources [p.
Korea Zinc Co. Ltd. [p. 737]
LS-Nikko Copper [p. 739]
Outokumpu Technology [p. 741]
Posco [p. 743]
Umicore Precious Metals Refining [p.
Xstrata Technology [p. 747]
Author Index [pp. 757-760]
Subject Index [pp. 761-764]