Foreword [p. 1xxi]
Editors’ Biographies [p. 1xxiii]
Organizing Committee [p. 1xxv]
International Organizing Committee [p. 1xxvi]
Session Chairpersons [p. 1xxxi]
Sponsors and Co-Sponsors [p. 1xxxiii]
Logos of Organizational Co-Sponsors [p. 1xxxvii]
Logos of Corporate Co-Sponsors [p. xcv]
Professor H.Y. Sohn - Biography [pp. 3-36]
It Is All About Energy [pp. 37-42]
The Precious Art of Metals Recycling [pp.
F. Vanbellen, and M. Chintinne
Nonferrous Metal Recycling in Korea: The Present and the
Future [pp. 53-56]
K.-I. Rhee
The Role of Processes Modeling in Iron and Steelmaking
[pp. 57-68]
P.C. Chaubal
Liquidus Relations of Calcium Ferrite and Ferrous Calcium
Silicate Slag in
Continuous Copper Converting
[pp. 69-88]
F. Kongoli, I. McBow, A. Yazawa, Y. Takeda, K.
Yamaguchi, R. Budd, and S. Llubani
Recent Developments in Copper Hydrometallurgy (Abstract
Only) [p. 553]
J.O. Marsden
Remembrance of Academic Mentors and Early Associates
[pp. 91-96]
H.Y. Sohn
Furnace Control, Optimization and Automation in Sulfide
Smelting Plants (Keynote) (Abstract Only) [pp. 555]
F. Kongoli, I.
McBow, R. Budd, and S. Llubani
Optimisation of the Anode Sector at Norddeutsche Affinerie
(Invited) [pp. 97-104]
T.L. Edens, P. Willbrandt, and A.
Volatilization of Arsenic in the Teniente Converter at
Codelco Norte Smelter (Invited) [pp. 105-114]
A. Moyano, C.
Caballero, R. Mackay, K. Itagaki, and J. Font
Energy Saving Activities at the Onsan Smelter (Keynote)
[pp. 115-124]
J.-S. Chang, S.-H. Yu, and S.-H. Shin
Recent Advances in Tin Smelting Using Top Submerged Lance
Technology (Keynote) [pp. 125-142]
J.A. Ore Rivera
M-DICE, An Impurity Distribution Model for Codelco Norte
Smelter (Keynote) [pp. 143-152]
A. Moyano, C. Caballero, C. Pizarro,
and J. Font
Arsenic and Antimony Removal from a Complex Blister
Copper [pp. 153-160]
A. Moyano, C. Caballero, R. Mackay, H. Henao, K.
Itagaki, and J. Font
Mathematical and Physical Model for the Teniente Converter
Fluidynamics [pp. 161-172]
M. Rosales, C. León, A. Moyano, R.
Mackay, A. Valencia, and R. Fuentes
Characteristics and Roasting of Zinc Sulfide Concentrates in
Fluid Bed Furnace [pp. 173-184]
B.S. Boyanov and N.K.
Recent Progress of Practical BF Operations in Japan and
Innovative Trials for the Future (Keynote) [pp. 187-206]
M. Naito,
and M. Ichida
Assessment of Metallurgical Performance of Kambara Reactor
(KR) through Physical Modeling [pp. 207-222]
V. Seshadri, C.A. da
Silva, I.A. da Silva, V.A. Lepo, D.B. Moreira, and O.J. Kirmse
The Iron Blast Furnace and DRI Shaft Furnace—A
Comparison of Some Process Developments [pp. 223-232]
P. Chaubal, D.
Huang, A. Farhadi, and G. Tsvik
Development of 3-D CFD Model for Blast Furnace Hearth
[pp. 233-244]
P. Chaubal, D. Huang, D. Roldan, and C.Q.
Effect of Oxygen Potential ad Fluxing Components on Phase
Relations during Sintering of Iron Ore (Keynote) [pp. 245-254]
Kongoli, I. McBow, R. Budd, and S. Llubani
Development of Visual Evaluation and Numerical Analysis
System of Blast Furnace (Invited) [pp. 255-268]
S. Matsuzaki, M. Ito,
M. Ichida, T. Nishimura, and M. Naito
Dynamic Solid Flow in Iron-Making Blast Furnace of Lower
Part by Deadman Shape and Raceway Depth (Keynote) (Invited) [pp.
Y. Matsui, K. Miyagawa, M. Tanaka, M. Sawayama, and S.
Numerical Analysis on Blast Furnace Operations by
Multi-Dimensional Mathematical Model Based on Multi-Fluid Theory (Invited)
[pp. 283-296]
J.-i. Yagi, H. Nogami, and M. Chu
Numerical Investigation of the Self-Reduction Process of
Pellets in a Rotary Kiln with Post-Combustion to Produce DRI (Abstract
Only) [p. 557]
J. Castro, C. Takano, M.B. Mourao, J.-I. Yagi, and
A.J. Silva
Physical Modeling of Mixing and Mass Transfer Inside a
Torpedo Car (Keynote) [pp. 297-316]
V. Seshadri, C.A. da Silva, I.A.
da Silva, V.A. Lepo, D.C. Fernandes, and I.A. de Souza
A Setup Model for the Roughing Mill of Hot Rolling in Sidor,
C.A. Venezuela (Abstract Only) [p. 559]
J. Lara, L. Lozano, and O.
Desulfurization in the Ladle Furnace Using Industrial Slags
(Invited) [pp. 317-328]
A. Geveci, E. Keskinkilic, and Y.A.
Formation Mechanism and Control of Corner Transverse Cracks
of CC Nb-Contained Slabs [pp. 329-338]
G.-S. Zhu, Z.-Y. Zhu, J. Liu,
and X. Bai
How to Reduce Costs in Steelmaking Using Calcium Carbide
[pp. 339-342]
R.J. Santiago, and L.A. Mombello
Improving Steel Ladle Performance at Bhilai Steel Plant,
India [pp. 343-350]
R.K. Singh, L. Tiwari, B.D. Chattaraj, and D.R.
Usage of Aluminum Dross for Slag Treatment in Secondary
Steelmaking to Decrease Amount of Reducible Oxides in Ladle Furnace [pp.
A. Geveci, and O. Aydemir
Sichuan Aostar Smelter in China (Keynote) [pp.
Y. Wang, Y. Niu, D. Qiu, C. Chen, and Y. Li
Cost-Effective Magnesium Oxide Recycling for Economic
Viability of Magnesium Hydride Slurry Technology for Hydrogen Storage (Abstract
Only) [p. 561]
R. De Lucas, U. Pal, G. Ye, and A.
An Attempt at Direct Ingot Making of Titanium by the
Electro-Winning from Molten Slag with DC-ESR Unit (Keynote) [pp.
M. Kawakami, T. Takenaka, M. Orisaka, T. Kawabata, A. Matsuyama,
and S. Yokoyama
Review on the Part of HVOF Thermal Spray Coating in
Protection to Corrosion [pp. 383-392]
H.S. Sidhu, B.S. Sidhu, and S.
Advanced Scaling Techniques for the Modeling of Materials
Processing (Keynote) [pp. 393-404]
P.F. Mendez
Computational Modeling of a CVD Reactor to Produce Diamond
Films [pp. 405-416]
M. Olivas-Martínez, M. Pérez-Tello,
and R.E. Cabanillas-López
Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulation of High Temperature
Metallurgical Processes (Keynote) [pp. 417-434]
Y. Yang, B. Zhou,
J.R. Post, E. Scheepers, and M.A. Reuter
Model-Based Electroslag Remelting Control for Simultaneous,
Consistent and Responsive Melt Rate and Immersion Depth Control (Invited)
[pp. 435-450]
D.K. Melgaard, J.J. Beaman, and G. Shelmidine
Applied Metallurgical Process Testing and Plant Optimization
with Design of Experimentation Software (Keynote) [pp. 453-478]
Alternating Pulsed Electrolysis for Fe-Cr Alloy Coatings
Using Trivalent Chromium Solution [pp. 479-486]
S. Yagi, K. Murase,
T. Hirato, and Y. Awakura
Improved Method for the Purification of Technical Grade
Molybdenum Trioxide [pp. 487-500]
R.P. Singh
Advancements in Organic Entrainment Reduction at the Phelps
Dodge Tyrone SXEW Plant [pp. 501-508]
M. Brueggemann
Tankhouse Optimization by METTOP GmbH (Invited) (Abstract
Only) [p. 563]
I. Filzwieser, A. Filzwieser, J. Pesl, A. Anzinger,
and S. Wallner
Sonochemical Synthesis of Zeolite Na-A from Metakaolinite
(Abstract Only) [p. 565]
W. Kim, H. Shin, and S. Kim
Effect of Rare Earth Metals on Corrosion Resistance of Mg
Metal [pp. 509-516]
T. Takenaka, T. Ono, Y. Narazaki, and M.
Study on the Technical Status of China Electrolyzed Mn
Industrial Production, Electrochemical Reactions of the Cathode-Anode Process
of Mn Electrolysis and on the Means of Increasing Current Efficiency during
Manganese Electrolytic Process [pp. 517-522]
W. Zhang, and C.
Study on the Industrial Production Experiments of
Zn-MnO2 Simultaneous Electrolysis [pp. 523-532]
W. Zhang,
G. Mei, Z. Zhong, and Y. Zhou
FLOGEN« Technologies Inc. [p. 535]
Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources [p.
Korea Zinc Co. Ltd. [p. 539]
LS-Nikko Copper [p. 541]
Outokumpu Technology [p. 543]
Posco [p. 545]
Umicore Precious Metals Refining [p.
Xstrata Technology [p. 549]
Author Index [pp. 567-570]
Subject Index [pp. 571-574]