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Chairman/ Editor Foreword........................................................................................................lxvii

Editor's Biography.....................................................................................................................lxxix

Leading Committee.................................................................................................................lxxxiii

International Committees.........................................................................................................lxxxv

Session Chairpersons..............................................................................................................lxxxvii

Sponsors/Financial Supporters................................................................................................lxxxix

Sponsors' Logos..........................................................................................................................xciii

Corporate Section.......................................................................................................................xcvii

Report ...........................................................................................................................................ciii




The Role of Science, Engineering, Management and Politics: Reflections from Dan Shechtman's

Story (Abstract only)……………………………..……………………………………………….3

Kongoli, Florian


The Discovery of Quasi-periodic Materials (Abstract only)...……………………………………5

Shechtman, Dan


Sustainable Mining in the 21st Century (Abstract only)…..……………………………………...7

Gonzalez Rocha, Oscar


Sustainable Organization of a European Research Centre………………………………………..9

Fransaer, Dirk

Mapping the Universe Using Physics and Materials Sciences (Abstract only)..………………..25

Smoot, George


The Relevancy of Materials in Boosting Innovation: From Raw Materials to Creative

Applications (Abstract only)…………………………………………………………………….27

Martins, Rodrigo


University Technology Transfer - Highs and Lows……………………………………………..29

Fray, Derek


Science Has Won against Economy - Japanese Genso Senryaku (project of Strategic Advanced

Materials) for Rare Earth and Critical Metals (Abstract only)……………………………….....39

Halada, Kohmei


Push-pull Alloys and the Heritage of Dan Shechtman…………………………………………..41

Dubois, Jean Marie


Developing Future Scenarios in Energy and Sustainability (Abstract only)..…………………..63

Kumar, Vasant


Challenges ahead for Modelling and Simulation in Mechanics:

From Engineering to Medicine (Abstract only)..………………………………………………...65

Bordas, Stephane; Aifantis, Elias


Sustainable Development of new Mining and Energy Projects: Northern Plan (Speech)……....67

Arcand, Pierre


Reflections on Sustainable Development (Speech)….…………………………………………..71

Halonen, Tarja


Environmentally Sound Copper Smelting and Refining (Abstract only)...……………………...73

Buenger, Thomas


Sustainable Mining: Is that Really Possible? (Abstract only).......................................................75

Meech, John


New Developments in Sustainable Mining in Brazil (Abstract only)…………………………...77

Silva, Andre Carlos


Bottleneck and Future Issues of Steel Production in Japan……………………………………...79

Kitamura, Shin Ya


Next Generation Secondary Batteries (Abstract only)…………………………………………...83

Aifantis, Katerina


Challenges of High Temperature Processing in Metallurgical Industries: Some Highlights

(Abstract only)……………………………………………………………………………...……85

Takano, Cyro


A 21st Century Challenge for Scientists and Engineers (Abstract only)………………………..87

Kongoli, Florian


Scientific Blunders (Abstract only)..…………………………………………………………….89

Shechtman, Dan


The Challenge of Publishing your Most Important Work in 21st Century (Abstract only)…....91

Schekman, Randy


Sustainability and the Modified Central Paradigm of Materials Science and Engineering in the

Development of New Materials…………………………………………………………………93

Pech-Canul, Martin; Kongoli, Florian


The Impact of Sensors for Science and Technology in the Modern Industrial Society

(Abstract only)………………………………………………………………………………….101

Mauntz, Manfred; Peuser, Jorn


The Role of Hydrometallurgy in Sustainable Production of Metals (Abstract only)….………103

Forsen, Olof; Aromaa, Jari


Mineral Processing Overview in Brazil………………………………………………………...105

Peres, Antonio







Lead Electrorecovery from Oxychloride Melts………………………………………………...119

Yuliya Khalimullina; Pavel Pershin; Pavel Arkhipov; Yuriy Zaikov


A Novel Pathway for Manufacturing of Metals from Metal Oxides (Plenary)

(Abstract Only)…………………………………………………………………………………127

Reddy, Ramana


Indium Recovery from Spent Cu-In Sputtering Target (Keynote)…………………………….129

Chen, Wei Sheng; Huang, Shu Mei; Huang, Shih-Lin; Tsao, Shen; Hsiao, Ta-Ching


Development of a New Environmentally-Friendly Technology for Integrated Processing of Gold-

Bearing Antimony Ores………………………………………………………………………...141

Bagdavadze, Jondo; Chagelishvili , Rusudan; Gagnidze, Tsisana;

Kandelaki, Aleksandre; Tsikaridze, Zurab; Ukleba, Ketevan


EFG-KILNTM – A New Technology that Uses Electric Furnace Gases as Combustibles in Rotary

Kilns and Application at NEWCO FERRONIKELI CO……………………………………….149

Imeri, Shefik; Tahiraj, Naim; Rizaj, Musa; Jashari, Hasan; Rustemi, Musadik;

Gλrguri, Mahmut; Misini, Selami; McBow, Ian; Kongoli, Florian


Molten Salts: From the Theory to Industrial Processes (Plenary) (Abstract Only)…………….155

Masset, Patrick


Molten Slags and Salts - Understanding Towards Novel Process Approaches (Plenary)……...157

Seetharaman, Seshadri; Teng, Lidong; Wang, Lijun


Anode Slime Gained During Electrolytic Refining Process of Secondary Copper Anodes……171

Deva, Nurten; Rizaj, Musa; Duman, Ismail; Kongoli, Florian


A Sustainable Recycling Process for Simultaneous Recovery of Zn, Pb and Ag from a Dumped


Unger, Alois; Steinlechner, Stefan; Antrekowitsch, Juergen


Physical-Chemical Properties of Low-Temperature Electrolytes of Interest for Aluminum

Production (Keynote)…………………………………………………………………………...191

Zaikov, Yuriy; Tkacheva, Olga; Redkin, Alexander; Kataev, Alexander


The Current State and Perspectives of the Technological Development of Lead Industry…….201

Shumskiy, Viktor; Leiman, Svetlana


Studies of Noble Metals Behavior in Lead Smelting Processes………………………………..219

Shumskiy, Viktor; Leiman, Svetlana


Commissioning and the First Experience of Running of Kivcet Process for Complex Lead-Zinc

Raw Materials Smelting at Chinese Plants……………………………………………………..227

Shumskiy, Viktor; Carminati, Antonio; Sanna, Dario; Zhang, Le Ru; Leiman, Svetlana


Development of Convergence Technologies for the Recovery of Critical Rare Elements from

Power Plants Waste for Simultaneous Co2 Utilization (Keynote)……………………………..237

Thriveni, Thenepalli; Seong Young, Nam; Ahn, Jiwhan


Physical and CFD Modelling Study of Mixing and Splashing Phenomena in Subsonic-Sonic

Transition Operated Platinum Group Metals (PGMs) - Peirce-Smith Converters……………..249

Chibwe, D.K.; Akdogan, G.; Bradshaw, S.M.; Bezuidenhout, G.A.


Five Years of Eco Clean Smelting Operation at YGJ Lead Smelter Using SKS-YGLTM Oxygen

Bottom Blowing-Molten Slag Reduction Technology (Invited)……………………………….267

Zahng, Johnny; Yang, Anguo; Li, Weifeng; Guo, Xueyi


Five Years of Eco Clean Copper Smelting Operation at Fangyuan Smelter Using Advanced

SKS-BBSTM Oxygen Bottom Blowing Technology (Keynote)………………………………...285

Zahng, Johnny; Wang, Zhi; Cui, Zhixiang; Guo, Xueyi


Valuable Metals Separation from Copper Anode Slime by Low Temperature Alkaline Smelting


Li, Dong; Guo, Xueyi; Xu, Zhipeng; Liu, Jingxin


Calcification-Carbonation Method for Utilization of Red Mud (Keynote)…………………….309

Zhang, Tingan; Guozhi, Lv; Xiaofeng, Zhu; Yan, Liu; Qiuyue, Zhao;

Zhihe, Dou; Zimu, Zhang


New Method of Laterite Ore Processing: Smelting in Two-Zone Vaniukov Furnace to

Ferronickel (Abstract Only)…………………………………………………………………….319

Tsymbulov, Leonid; Kongoli, Florian


Experimental Study on Stirring Characteristics of Self-Stirring Reactor Driven by Pressure Energy


Zhang, Tingan; Zhang, Zimu; Zhao, Qiuyue; Wang, Shuchan; Lv, Chao; Yan, Liu;

Zhang, Dianhua; Guozhi, Lv; Zhihe, Dou


Thermodynamics of Borosilicate Melts Studied by High Temperature Mass Spectrometry

 (Abstract Only)………………………………………………………………………………...329

Stolyarova, Valentina


The Effect of Heat Treatment on the Microstructure and the Mechanical (Abstract Only)…..331

Mirza Rosca, Julia; Herrera Santana, Domingo; Martel Fuentes, Oscar





Iron and Steel Industry in Ukraine: Current State, Challenges and Future Perspective


Shatokha, Volodymyr


A Self Balancing Process Model for Blast Furnace (Keynote) (Abstract Only)……………….347

Demi, Perparim; Kongoli, Florian


Experimental Evaluation and Empirical Modeling of the Rheological Behavior of Dual-Phase


Higo, Tomoyuki; Sukenaga, Sohei; Saito, Noritaka; Nakashima, Kunihiko


Titanium Ores and Concentrates and Their Treatment…………………………………………359

Dmitriev, Andrey; Vitkina, Galina; Petukhov, Roman; Chesnokov, Yury


Mathematical Modelling and Practical Tasks Solution of Blast Furnace Smelting and Adjacent

Repartitions (Plenary)…………………………………………………………………………..369

Dmitriev, Andrey; Vitkina, Galina; Chesnokov, Yury


Reaction Mechanism of Iron Oxide-Carbon Composite with Increasing Temperature


Murakami, Taichi; Kasai, Eiki


Use of Information System "Interactive Calculations in Ferrous Metallurgy"………………...387

Dmitriev, Andrey; Chesnokov, Yury


Burnt to a Crisp? - Why Oxygen Enhanced Combustion does not have to Influence Steel


Sobotka, Christina; Antrekowitsch, Helmut


Utilization of Process By-Products for Direct Reduced Iron Production (Invited)…………….407

Sohn, Il; Yu, Jong Yeong; Lee, Baek


Structure and Viscosity Relationship in the B2O3-Containing Calcium-Aluminate Based


Kim, Gi Hyun; Sohn, Il


Recovery of Paddy Fields Damaged by Tsunami and Earthquake Using Steelmaking Slag


Kitamura, Shin Ya; Toyoaki, Ito


Physicochemical Properties of Steel Slags: Challenges of the Mexican Steel Industry……….435

Conejo Nava, Alberto


Modeling the Shaft Reduction Process for DRI Production Combined with Gasification O

Biomass (Abstract Only)……………………………………………………………………….449

De Castro, Jose Adilson


Influence of Lime Addition on the Properties of Cement-Bonded Cold Pellets

(Abstract Only)…………………………………………………………………………………451

Villanueva Bravo, Sergio


Partial Substitution of the Anthracite by Elephant Glass Charcoal into the Iron Ore Sintering

Process (Abstract Only)………………………………………………………………………...453

De Castro, Jose Adilson


Energy Dynamics of Electric Arc Furnace Steelmaking (Keynote)……………………………455

Prakash, Swatantra


Expert Model for BOF Steelmaking Process (Abstract Only)………………………………….473

Pandey, Shwetank; Senk, Dieter; Shukla, Ajay

Modeling of the Ruhrstahl Heraeus (RH) Degassing Process (Abstract Only)………………...475

Pandey, Tanay; Senk, Dieter; Shukla, Ajay


Mathematical Model of Operational Inner Profile of Blast Furnace Based on Heat Flux

Monitoring by Wireless Measurement System (Abstract Only)………………………………..477

Zhao, Hongbo


Quality of Metal Junk and Monitoring of Metal and Slag Condition during Arc-Melting


Sheshukov, Oleg; Nekrasov, Ilya; Tsimbalist, Michael; Sivtsov, Andrey; Yegiazaryan, Denis


Modifier Structure and Metal Quality…………………………………………………………..489

Sheshukov, Oleg; Yermakova, Valentina; Marshuk, Larisa; Lapin, Maxim;

Nekrasov, Ilya; Kataev, Vladimir; Smirnova, Valentina; Osintsev, I.V.