2014 - Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit & Exhibition
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  29 June - 04 July 2014, Fiesta Americana Condesa Cancun All Inclusive Resort, Cancun, Mexico
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On-Site Practical Info

The attendees who are interested in ground transportation from the airport to the hotel and vice-versa can book the transfer in our web site: www.flogen.org/ShechtmanSymposium/?gid=21#5 . This service is provided by Amstar which will set up a hospitality desk to assist you with anything you may need.

In order to avoid the 16% VAT tax which will be applied by Mexican Government after July 01st, it is suggested that each attendee pre-pay in full their total stay in the Fiesta Americana Condesa All-Inclusive Resort upon check in with a non-Mexican credit card as well as provide their passport to the clerk. For more information, please visit www.flogen.org/ShechtmanSymposium/?gid=29

HOTEL INFORMATION (attendees not staying at the hotel) :
For the attendee/authors not staying at the Fiesta Americana Condesa All-Inclusive Resort, an obligatory one-time entrance fee of 315$ per person will be charged for the three days of the summit/symposium payable directly to the hotel since it is an all-inclusive resort. So it is strongly suggested that the last minute reservations are done at the conference or are transferred there.

Money exchange can be done easily at the airport. Please note that, if you are staying at the Fiesta Americana Condesa All-Inclusive Resort, there is no need to exchange your money since food and beverage is included. You will only need to exchange your money if you order extra services in the hotel or outside it.

Mexico's electricity system is the same as that of the USA: 120 V; 60 Hz. Any electrical equipment you carry with you that operates at the higher (240v) rate will need to be dual-voltage (e.g. hair driers). A lot of electrical equipment (like video cameras, digital cameras, laptops) that operate on 12 volts via a product-specific adaptor will happily cope with dual voltage-check the adaptor and the device instructions to be sure.
You may need a socket adaptor. Most plugs in Mexico are the same as in the US; two flat prongs. Some have a third, circular prong for earth, and adapters can be sought for these too if the plug you want to connect to doesn't have the third (earth) prong socket.

You can find all information about the social activities and the dress code at www.flogen.org/ShechtmanSymposium/?gid=40
NOTE: The participation of all attendees guests/companion in all social activities, group dinners and shows are welcomed and FREE OF CHARGE

We offer you a great variety of extra curriculum activities during your stay. If you are interested in any of the activities, please book it through the organizer by clicking here www.flogen.org/ShechtmanSymposium/?gid=41

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