2014 - Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit & Exhibition
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  29 June - 04 July 2014, Fiesta Americana Condesa Cancun All Inclusive Resort, Cancun, Mexico
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  • Sunday: Cocktail/full buffet dinner and LATINO DANCING Show plus after-show humor in the Pool Deck area. Attire: Business Casual.
  • Monday: Cocktail/full buffet dinner and CIRCUS KUZA SHOW plus after-show humor on in the Condesa Ballroom. Attire: Business Casual.
  • Tuesday: Cocktail/full buffet dinner and MEXICAN DANCING Show in the Beach front area and after-show humor and drinks in the Pool Deck. Attire: Business Casual.
  • Wednesday: Cocktail Reception/Dinner Gala/VIP Speeches/Awards Ceremony and INTERNATIONAL DANCING SHOW in the Condesa Foyer/Ballroom. Attire: Black tie/Business.
  • Every Day:Organized Entertainment activities after hours (Pool and beach volleyball, language and dance lessons, etc).
NOTE:Free Participation of all attendees guests/companion in all social activities, group dinners and shows
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SIPS is the flagship event of FLOGEN STAR OUTREACH, a not-for-profit, non-political and all-inclusive science organization. SIPS as well as FLOGEN STARS OUTREACH takes no sides in political, scientific or technological debates. We equally welcome, without reservations, all spectrum of ideas, theories, technologies and related debates. Statements and opinions expressed are those of individuals and/or groups only and do not necessary reflect the opinions of FLOGEN, its sponsors or supporters.

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