2014 - Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit & Exhibition
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  29 June - 04 July 2014, Fiesta Americana Condesa Cancun All Inclusive Resort, Cancun, Mexico
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Abdollah Esmaeili

Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP)

Oil Well Stimulation By Electro Acoustic Waves
1st Intl. Symp. on Sustainable Energy Production: Gas/Oil/Shale and new renewable carbon free technologies

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The productivity of oil wells decreases over time due to varied reasons. The two main causes of this decrease have to do with a decline in relative permeability of crude oil, thus reducing its fluidity and progressive plugging of pores of a reservoir in a well bore region of a well due to accumulation of solids (clays, colloids, salts) that reduce the absolute permeability or interconnection of the pores. The dirt that oil wells extract can block up and reduce their flow. This reduction in efficiency means an oil well is no longer efficient at sucking up oil. Each one of the reasons mentioned above may cause a decrease in the permeability or a restriction of flow in the region surrounding the well bore. To remove the debris, most of the techniques used rely on aggressive chemicals to dissolve the small debris particles. Electro acoustic waves will allow well bores to be periodically cleaned, without using toxic chemicals and without stopping the production of the oil well to increase its production capacity. The electro acoustic device produces vibrations stimulating occurrence of mass transfer processes within the well. The resultant acoustic flow generated in porous media, produced by superposition of longitudinal and shear waves, is developed over a characteristic frequency threshold value specific to water, normal oil and heavy oil, with an acoustic energy density capable of establishing higher fluidity zones in the porous media, promoting mobility and recovery of desired fluid and formation damage reduction in a well bore. In this paper, we will discuss stimulation and enhancement of oil in an oil well by electro acoustic wave and determine the dependence on reservoir properties, fluid properties, acoustic frequency and power.

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