2014 - Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit & Exhibition
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  29 June - 04 July 2014, Fiesta Americana Condesa Cancun All Inclusive Resort, Cancun, Mexico
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Abdollah Esmaeili

Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP)

Production Optimization Of An Oil Reservoir
1st Intl. Symp. on Sustainable Energy Production: Gas/Oil/Shale and new renewable carbon free technologies

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The production of hydrocarbon fluids is obtained via production system, which has different parts with different features. An assurance in optimized performance of this system is required in order to obtain a precise knowledge of its different parts. The production system can be categorized into:
1- Inflow that related to fluid flow through porous media
2- Vertical well flow (from sand face to the wellhead choke)
3- Flow through surface facility.
By using available models, any part of the production system can be modeled. Inflow information of the production system, such as reservoir pressure and temperature, fluid type and porous media characteristics and vertical well flow information, like well geometry and pressure control devices can be used to model the production system.
After modeling the production system, any problem can be specified and then proper methods are applied to remove them.
Selecting proper tubing and wellhead choke sizes are essential to maximize the reserve recovery in the drive oil reservoirs in depletion.
In this study, two wells of an oil reservoir were analyzed to determine optimum tubing and choke sizes for production optimization. The databases consisting of flowing, static and buildup test data were analyzed with PANSYS and PIPSEIM software's. Nodal analysis technique was used to analyze tubing and choke sizes for these wells. The effects of skin damage change on IPR curve and well deliverability were also examined.

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