2014 - Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit & Exhibition
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  29 June - 04 July 2014, Fiesta Americana Condesa Cancun All Inclusive Resort, Cancun, Mexico
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Andrey Dmitriev

Institute of Metallurgy

Mathematical Modelling And Practical Tasks Solution Of Blast Furnace Smelting And Adjacent Repartitions
2nd Intl. Symp. on Advanced Sustainable Iron and Steel Making

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The mathematical models of the blast furnace smelting considered were: the logic-statistic balance model, the balance equilibrium model, the complex of two-dimensional models of gas dynamics, reduction, heat exchange, cohesive zone. The examples of the practical tasks solution of the blast furnace smelting, including the problem of extension of the raw materials deposits of ferrous metallurgy, in particular epy titaniferous magnetite, were given. The characteristic of ores and concentrates of the Gusevogorsky and actually Kachkanarsky deposits of the Sverdlovsk region, Kopansky and Medvedevsky deposits of the Chelyabinsk region, Kuranakhsky deposit of the Far East of Russia, Tebinbulaksky deposit of Uzbekistan, deposit of China etc. were presented. The technological basis of processing of different ferrovanadium and ilmenite ores with receiving iron, steel, pigmentary titanium dioxide and vanadium compound were discussed. The method of evaluation on the influence of iron ore materials and coke quality on the engineering-and-economic performance of blast furnace smelting was described. The method consists in the following: lab investigations with definition of metallurgical characteristics of iron ore materials and coke; analytic research of the blast furnace smelting efficiency's characteristics influence by using mathematical models; pilot and industrial testing. The single software product allowing carry out the end-to-end calculations for all range of the repartitions in ferrous metallurgy was created: coking, agglomeration, blast furnace smelting, converter smelting, electrosmelting, rotating furnace. Technical and economic calculations allow determining the material and heat balances, chemical composition of products of any repartition, including the cost price of the finished product. The questions of the blast furnace smelting control were considered. The monitoring system of the firebrick lining deterioration of blast furnace devil was described.

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