2014 - Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit & Exhibition
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  29 June - 04 July 2014, Fiesta Americana Condesa Cancun All Inclusive Resort, Cancun, Mexico
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Oscar Gonzalez Rocha

CEO, Southern Copper Corporation

Sustainable Mining In The 21st Century
Summit Plenary

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I have been working in the mining industry most of my adult life. During this time I have witnessed amazing growth in the industry and have seen the development of ore bodies that in my early years would have been passed by as being economically unfeasible, but because of technological innovations are now being developed, mined and generating positive returns for the miner. Additionally, this growth has occurred as the industry has invested greater and greater amounts in spending to protect the environment. In today's world mining projects cannot move forward unless they are environmentally neutral or friendly. Generally, what this means is that a new mining project in the 21st century often needs to improve the lives of its local neighbors, either through improvements to the local infrastructure or with investments in the health and education of the local populace. And as always the government participates in the bounty of the new mine, with new tax revenues and increased employment for its citizenry. My vision of mining industry is that it is going to continue to significantly benefit the stakeholders in the countries where it operates.

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