2014 - Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit & Exhibition
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  29 June - 04 July 2014, Fiesta Americana Condesa Cancun All Inclusive Resort, Cancun, Mexico
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Rodrigo Martins

New University of Lisbon

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Curriculum Vitae:

Rodrigo Martins, PhD in Microelectronics/Semiconductor Materials, full professor in the area of microelectronics and optoelectronics at the Materials Science Department of Faculty of Science and Technology of New University of Lisbon (FCT-UNL); member of the Portuguese Academy of Engineering. He is expert in the area of Advanced Functional Materials, Microelectronics and- Nanotechnologies. Emeritus professor of Université of Orleans; director and founder of CEMOP/Uninova, with more than 850 papers in the area of thin film technology, electronic and optoelectronic materials, one of the inventors of the paper transistor and the memory transistor. He holds more than 68 patents related to development of oxides semiconductors and degenerate semiconductors, electrochromic materials and devices. Up now supervised 20 PhD and 34 MS students. As far as projects are concerned he coordinated 12 International projects (out of 38 participations) and 16 national projects (out of 32). He coordinated the first project of active oxides (Multiflexioxides), considered by the EU as one of the 10 outstanding projects within FP6.

Presently he acts as the Head of Materials Science Department of FCT/UNL; Director of CEMOP/Uninova; Section Coordinator of the CENIMAT/I3N, Associated lab, of the area related to Advanced Functional Electronics Materials, Nanotechnologies, Optoelectronics and Microelectronics (MEON). Member of the Nomination Committee of the Materials Research Society from USA, since January 2014; the running immediate past president of European Materials Research Society, E-MRS and his running Senate President. Member of the Expert Advisory Board of the European program HORIZON 2020, for the topic of Advanced Materials, Nanotechnologies and Biotechnologies.

Member of the High Level Steering Committee of LET’S Conference (Leading Enabling Technologies for the Societal Challenges) held by the Italian presidency of the European Union, started in July 2014

Member of the International Advisory Board of Strategic Initiative Materials, a Flanders industry initiative financed by the Flemish Government.; Member of the steering committee of and of European Technology Platform for Advanced Engineering Materials, EuMAt; Member of the Steering Committee of the Alliance for Materials; Coordinator of the Portuguese PhD program in Advanced Materials and Processing (AdvaMTech), involving 7 Portuguese public Universities and 12 Research Centres, recently approved by the Portuguese NSF; Member of the Steering Committee and of the Advisory Board of the Joint Innovation Centre for Advanced Material, Sino-Portuguese, established in March 2013; Member of the external Advisory board of project “The impact of the integration of key enabling technologies on industrial production and societal goal – acronym: EU KNIGHTS”, coordinated by LITEN/CEA, within FP7-NMP.2013.4.0-8. Member of the Steering Committee of: MatVal, a value chain of materials research and innovation; Member of International Quality Advisory board of Erasmus mundus network, International Master in Functionalized Advanced, Materials and Engineering, FAME and International Doctoral School in Functional Materials, coordinated by European Multifunctional Materials Institute, Bordeaux, France, Member of the board of the Energy Materials Industry Research Initiative, EMIRI, an European Platform targeting to be a Public Private Partnership structure.

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