2014 - Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit & Exhibition
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  29 June - 04 July 2014, Fiesta Americana Condesa Cancun All Inclusive Resort, Cancun, Mexico
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Oscar Gonzalez Rocha

CEO, Southern Copper Corporation

Sustainable Mining in the 21st Century

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Chairman's Note:

In 2013, Harvard Business Review named Oscar Gonzalez Rocha among the 50 Best-Performing CEOs in the World (a list that includes among others Apple CEO, Steve Jobs). The criteria was long term performance in terms of total shareholder returns and the overall increase in market capitalization from the first day in the job until August 2012 (or CEO last day in the job). During 2004-2012, Oscar Gonzalez Rocha achieved a total shareholder return of 530% and an increase of market capitalization of +$ 39 billion. At the same time during this period, Oscar thrived to improve the sustainability of its company in terms of social and environment point of view.
Having spent most of his adult life in mining, in his plenary lecture Oscar will start from his rich experience to describe his today’s vision of the mining industry as a sustainable activity assuring at the same time a good growth, improvement of the life of communities and protection of the environment in benefit of stakeholders in any country it operates. The role of technological innovations in sustainability and the government involvement are very interesting parts of his presentation.

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