2014 - Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit & Exhibition
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  29 June - 04 July 2014, Fiesta Americana Condesa Cancun All Inclusive Resort, Cancun, Mexico
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Martin Pech-Canul

Research Professor

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Curriculum Vitae:

Dr. Martin I. Pech-Canul is currently a Research Professor with the Center for Research and Advanced Studies of the National Polytechnic Institute, whose Spanish acronym, CINVESTAV, stands for “Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados del Instituto Politécnico Nacional”.

As a former Fulbright Scholar, in 1999 he got his Ph. D. Degree in Materials Science and Engineering at the Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) in Worcester, Massachusetts. He earned a master’s degree in metallurgy at Cinvestav Saltillo and a Bachelor´s degree in Chemical Engineering, at Yucatan State University in Merida Yuc,. Mexico. Dr. Pech-Canul has been the supervisor of graduated professionals with Ph. D. degree in Metallurgical and Ceramics Engineering (5), master’s degree (23) and bachelors (4), all of them with thesis topics on composites and advanced ceramics. He is also faculty member of the Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Doctoral program at Cinvestav.

He has published around 80 papers in international journals and about 108 articles in international conferences. He has been invited to give talks, keynote lectures and a plenary lecture in the field of composites and recycling of materials for the production of composites. He has been the organizer of several TMS Sessions on MMCs (and others), and was Co-Chair of Fray International Symposium, for which he was the organizer of the "Composites, Ceramics and Nanomaterials Processing Symposium", November 27-December 1st, 2011 in Cancun Mexico.

Dr. Pech-Canul acts as referee for several journals including J. Materials Processing Technology, Materials Letters, Materials Science and Engineering A, Composites Part A, Applied Surface Science, Composites Science and Technology, amongst others and is within the editorial board of the following journals: The Open Corrosion Journal, The Open Waste Management Journal, The Journal of Engineering Research (TJER) (International Advisory Board member: Mechanical and Industrial Engineering). He has published 30 book chapters and was the Lead Editor for the publication of the books entitled “Recent Developments in Metallurgy, Materials and Environment” and “Desarrollos Recientes en Metalurgia, Materiales y Medio Ambiente”, published by CINVESTAV in 2012. Finally, he is the Chair of the Internal Committee of Civil Protection in Cinvestav Saltillo.

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