2014 - Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit & Exhibition
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  29 June - 04 July 2014, Fiesta Americana Condesa Cancun All Inclusive Resort, Cancun, Mexico
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Fransaer Dirk

Managing director of VITO

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Curriculum Vitae:

Born : in Dendermonde (Belgium) on 9 August, 1958
Nationality : Belgian
Studies :
Civil Construction Engineer July 1980 State University Ghent Great Distinction
Biomedical Engineer September 1985 Catholic University Leuven Great Distinction
Vlerick Advanced Management Program (2004-2005), Vlerick Leuven Ghent Management School

From 1 April 2001 till present : managing director of VITO, the Flemish Institute for Technological Research.
Member of the board of directors of VITO and in charge of the daily management. VITO has over 750 staff and a budget of over 140 MEuro (2014).
Since 1 February 2014 chairman of the audit committee of the University of Antwerp.
From February 2005 till July 2007 part-time Professor at the university of Antwerp on "Sustainable Development" and "Remote Sensing" at the faculty of Bio-engineering.
Member of the board of directors of Argex N.V. from 2003 till 2005
From 2004 till 2010 Chairman of the board of directors of IncGEO vzw, a competence center on behalf of the Flemish Community on remote sensing applications.
From September 2010 till July 2012 board member of Vitalo, an international company producing thermomolded packaging.
From 2005 till 2013, Chairman of the Technological Institute of KVIV, the Royal Flemish Society of university degree Engineers, renamed in 2011 into ie-net vzw.
From 1986 till 1987 project engineer at TERADEC, research center of Baxter Travenol, an American multinational pharmaceutical company in Nivelles.
From 1986 till 2000 several managerial positions at Eurosense, a large European remote sensing company
From 1980 till 1985 assistant professor hydraulics at the university of Ghent
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