2014 - Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit & Exhibition
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  29 June - 04 July 2014, Fiesta Americana Condesa Cancun All Inclusive Resort, Cancun, Mexico
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Taek-Soo Kim

Executive Director, Professor
Korea (Republic of [South] Korea)

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Curriculum Vitae:

Taek-Soo Kim, PhD. in Material Science is driving for rare materials development in both science and industry. According to his carrier in the area from 2005, he contributed to establish Korea Institute for Rare Metals (KIRAM) with KITECH and government on 2010. Most of his publication of 120 scientific papers and 20 patents includes the rare metal related issues. Industrial activity is a strong point of his carrier, since he runs various industry care and developing program in KIRAM. He also contributes to global communities of rare metals by organizing Rare material committee since 2011 in conjunction with a series of International symposium on Rare Metals hold every year and also a type of bi-lateral workshop China, Japan, Germany, and etc. In order to educate the rare metals systematically, Department of Rare Metals was firstly installed in University of Science and Technology (UST), Korea.

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