2014 - Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit & Exhibition
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  29 June - 04 July 2014, Fiesta Americana Condesa Cancun All Inclusive Resort, Cancun, Mexico
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Swatantra Prakash

CSIR-National Metallurgical Laboratory

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Curriculum Vitae:

Professor AcSIR(New Delhi), Chief Scientist, and Advisor management CSIR-National Metallurgical Laboratory Dr. Swatantra Prakash obtained his Batchelor's and Master's degree in Chemical Engineering from Institute of Technology , Banaras Hindu University , Varanasi, India and Doctorate in Metallurgical Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur. He was Academic Visitor at Imperial College of Science, Engineering and Medicine London UK for three years. He has specialised in Computational Fluid Dynamics of high temperature metallurgical processes, Intellectual property management, Business Development of R&D products and services.

He has visited The Netherlands, Sweden, Germany, UK, Japan, Malaysia, Canada, Trinidad and Tobago, China, Indonesia, Brazil, Mexico, Kenya: For attending and Chairing Int. Conf.; Delivering Keynote lectures and Business Development of R&D products and services including as Academic visitor in UK and Visiting professor at Mexico and Kenya.

He has more than 100 publications, authored and edited books licensed technologies including guiding doctoral thesis , M.Tech dissertations and B.Tech projects. He is Fellow, Institution of Engineers (India), Member, Indian Institute of Metals, Overseas Member, Iron and Steel Institute of Japan , Member, American Institute of Chemical Engineers , and Member Indian Institute of Chem. Eng

He is recipient of Indian Institute of Metals (IIM) Best Papers awards, British Council Fellowship Award, Industrial Economic Forum- Distinguished Engineers Award, Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) Best Innovation Award, CSIR-NML Best Technology Transfer Altekar Award, CSIR Best Innovation Award, RECOM International Award 2011 by KIGAM Daejeon South Korea, 2012 Best IIM paper Award

Presently Dr. Prakash is Professor AcSIR (New Delhi). He offers courses, guides and mentors M.Tech and Integrated Ph.D scholars registered at NML as Professor AcSIR. He is Advisor Management and acts as Ag Director NML for administrative and academic activities of NML viz.: Human Resource: guidance, appointment, training etc, Welfare, Medical, Educational facilities, Business of R&D with National and International Academic Institute in Metallurgical and Mineral Processing and responsible for making policies and directing execution of other research, academic and financial related matters.

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