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Reshef Tenne

Director of the Helen and Martin Kimmel Center for Nanoscale Science
Weizmann Institute of Science

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Curriculum Vitae:

Updated 3.10.12

The Drake Family Professorial Chair in Nanotechnology
Director of the Helen and Martin Kimmel Center for Nanoscale Science

Date & Place of Birth: 2.9.1944, Kibbutz Usha (Israel) Married (widower) + 3 children
Nationality: Israeli
Languages: Hebrew (mother tongue), English (spoken and written), French (spoken)
B.Sc. Hebrew University, Jerusalem, 1969
M.Sc. Hebrew University, Jerusalem, 1971
Ph.D. Hebrew University, Jerusalem, 1976
Post-Doctorate, 1976-8 Battelle Institute, Geneva
Scientist, 1979 - Battelle Institute, Geneva
Scientist, 1979 - Weizmann Institute
Senior Scientist, 1981 - Weizmann Institute
Assoc. Professor, 1985, Weizmann Institute
Visiting Professor, Spring 1986, Solid State Institute, Technion, Haifa
Visiting Professor, Winter 1988, Pierre et Marie Curie University, Paris, France
Visiting Professor - Sabbatical (MRT Fellow), 1989, Solid State Physics Laboratory, CNRS, Meudon
JSPS fellow, Summer 1991, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
DDAD Fellow, Summer 1994, Hahn-Meitner Institute, Berlin
Professor, 1995 to present, Weizmann Institute
- Incumbent of Helen & Milton A. Kimmelman Career Development Chair in perpetuity established by Helen and Milton A. Kimmelman, New York, NY, 1983-6.
- The Drake Family Professorial Chair in Nanotechnology (2004- present).
Honors, Awards and recognitions:
- International Battelle Memorial Fellowship (1976-8)
- The Mordechai (Moma) Glickson Annual Research Prize, Weizmann Institute (1985)
- Fellow of the Israeli Vacuum society (1996-)
- Fellow, World Technology Award, World Technology Network (2002), Materials category (www.wtn.net)
- The Drake Family Chair in Nanotechnology (2004-)
- The Kolthoff Prize in Chemistry of the Technion, Haifa (2005)
- Materials Research Soceity Medal, Boston (2005).
- Rafael Scientific Research Excellence Prize of the Israel Vacuum Society, Tel-Aviv (2005)
- Landau Prize od Mifal Hapais in Nanotechnology, Tel-Aviv (2006)
- MRS Fellow (2008, inaugural class of fellows)
- Israel Chemical Society Excellence Prize (2008)
- Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC) (2011)
- Member. the Israel Academy of Sciences (2011)
- The C.N.R. Rao Award Lecture in the 14th Chem. Res. Soc. India Meeting (established by the Dr. A.V. Rama
Rao Foundation), Mysore, India (2012)
- Plenary Speaker Award (ChinaNano11) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (2011)
- Member, Academia Europaea (European Academy) (2011)

Special lectures and recognitions
- Special Lecture Series hosted by the German Chemical Society (DGCh) in Dresden, Stuttgart, Darmstadt, Karlsrhue (2009, 2010)
- INNT01, 1st Workshop on Inorganic Nanotubes, San Sebastian, September (2009)- A Workshop in Honor of Professor Reshef Tenne’s 65th Birthday (http://dipc.ehu.es/ws_presentacion.php?id=40)
- The Folman Lecture, Technion, Haifa, January (2011)
- The Adams seminar, Israeli Academy of Sciences, May (2012)
- Special seminar series hosted by the Korean Academy of Sciences, October (2013)

"Inorganic nanomaterials from nanotubes to fullerene-like nanoparticles: fundamental and applications", R. Tenne, World Scientific, Singapore (2012).

- ERC-Advanced Research Grant of the European Research Council (inaugural cycle)– 1.62 M Euro for 5 years (2008).

Other Experience:
• Consultant for a solar energy project for Battelle, Geneva (1980)
• Consultant for a project on photoelectrochemical applications, Dornier System GmbH (1986)
• Advisory Committee for research centers:-Interfaces and catalysis, U. of Laval, under auspices of FCAR, Quebec (1991; 1994)
-Institute of Photonics Prof. M. Graetzel (EPFL, 1997) on behalf of the Swiss Ministry of Education
-Center of Photoelenergetics of Organic Materials headed by Prof. Nakato, U. of Osaka on behalf of the Japanese Ministry of Education (1998)
• Secretary and then President of the Israeli Vacuum Society (1990-1994)
• Reviewer for Nature; Science, J. Am. Chem. Soc; Phys. Rev. Lett., Nat. Mater., Angewandte Chemie, J. Phys. Chem.; Adv.Mater.; J. Mater. Res.; J. Electrochem. Soc.; J. Electroanal. Chem.;J. Solid State Chem.; J. Appl. Electorchem; Appl.Surf. Sci.; NSF; DOE; EU R&D Program; ACS-PRF; NEDO (Japan)
• Member of the scientific board: Eshkol foundation (1994); France-Israel (AFIRST) (1994-6); India-Israel foundations (1995-); Japan-Israel (1997)
• Visitor of American Airforce Labs under the program Window to Science (1995, 2008)
• Vice-chair of the Scientific Council of the Professors of the Weizmann Institute
• Founder and chair of the selection committee for The Lev Margulis Award of the Israel Society of Microscopy (1997-2000)
• Board member and treasurer, Israel Chemical Society (1997-2003)
• Chairperson of the Department of Materials and Interfaces, Weizmann Institute (2000-2007)
• Member, Promotion Committee of the Faculty of Chemistry, Weizmann Institute (2000-2001)
• Member, Academic Board and Promotion Committee, Holon Academic Institute of Technology (2000-)
• Member, Board of Reviewers, NEDO, Japan (2001)
• Director, G. Schmidt Minerva Center for Supramolecular Architectures (2001-2007)
• Acting President, Israel Chemical Society (2002)
• Co-Founder, "ApNano Materials" Inc." (2002)
• Director, the Helen and Martin Kimmel Center for Nanoscale Sciences (2002-)
• Co-chairman, steering committee for the International Gerischer Prize, established in 2002 by the Electrochemical Society
• Reviewer for the Third World Academy of Sciences (2004)
• Co-Founder and member of the selection committee for the International H. Gerishcer Prize of the Electrochemical Society (2002-2006)
• Member, British Standard Panel for Nanotechnology of the BSI (2004)
• Member, Advisory Board of the Faculty of Materials Engineering, Technion (2005-)
• Member, Harvey Prize Selection Committee (2007, 2008)
• Member, Board of Director of the Landau Prize (2007)
• Member, Recruiting Committee for Advanced Materials, the Institute for Science and Technology Austria (ISTA) (2007-2008)
• Member, Board of reviewers in physics for the Romanian Research Council (2008)
• Member, Board of Reviewers (twice), Swiss Natl. Sci. Found (2009)
• Founding Member of the Board of NanoIsrael Biannual Conference Series (2009-)
• Co-convener, Faculty of Chemistry Colloquium (WIS) (2009, 2010)
• Member, Board of Reviewers, Isr. Sci. Found. (2010)
• Member of the Dostrovsky Prize Board (2010-)
• Co-Chairperson and Program Committee Chair, NanoIsrael 12, Tel Aviv (2012)
• Chairperson of the board, the Gerischer Prize of the Electrochemical Society
• Founded the Isr. Chem. Soc. Tenne Family Prize in Nanoscale Science (2013-)

Editorial duties
- Principal Editor-Journal of Materials Research (2002-7)
- Editorial Advisory Boards: Materials Science Forum, Trans Tech Publications (1997-); Chem. Mater (2003-); European J. Sol. State Inorg. Chem. (1993-2000); Solid State Sciences (2000-); Microscopy, Microanalysis, Microstructures (1995-1999); Advanced Functional Materials, Wiley-VCH (2001-); Materials Research Bulletin (2005-); Nanotechnology (IoP) (2005-); Recent Patents in Nanotechnology, Bentham (2006-); Chemsitry, Asian Journal Wiley-VCH (2006-); Nano, World Scientific Publishing (2006-); Digest J. Nanomater. Biostuct. (2006-); The Open Nanosci. J., Bentham (2007-) The Open Appl. Phys. J., Bentham (2007-); PHYSICAPLUS (On-Line Magazine of the Isr. Phys. Soc., 2006); Nano Research, Springer and Tsinghua University Press (2007-); Nano and Biomaterials (2009-), InderScience; Isr. J. Chem., Wiley-VCH (2010-); NanoMaterials and Energy, ICE Pub. (UK); Mater. Sci. Appl., Scientific Research Publications, USA (2011-); ChemistryOpen, ChemPubSoc Europe (2011-); Particle (Wiley-VCH-2012)
- Guest Editor, Fullerene Research in Israel, a special issue of Fullerene Sci. and Technol. (1997)
- Focused Issue Editor of the J. Mater. Res., Nanotubes and Nanowires (2006)
- Co-editor for the special issue of the Isr. J. Chem., "Inorg. Nanotubes and Nanostructures" (2010)
- Co-editor, Special issue of Inorganics (MDPI Publications), "Inorganic nanotubes and Fullerene-Like Nanoparticles"(2014)

Professional Societies
Swiss and European Physical Societies; Israel Society for Microscopy; Israel Chemical Society; Israel Vacuum Society; Israel Physical Society; American Physical Society; Electrochemical Society; American Chemical Society; Materials Research Society.

Author of more than 300 original papers in refereed journals, 25 book chapters, 30 invited review articles, and 20 invited papers. Delivered more than 200 invited, keynote and plenary lectures in international conferences, chaired some 40 sessions in international symposia, and chaired four international workshops and numerous local symposia. Holds 25 patents. Co-founded "NanoMateirals" (2002) and is in the process of co-founding a new company "NanoMediCOT" (2012)
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