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  29 June - 04 July 2014, Fiesta Americana Condesa Cancun All Inclusive Resort, Cancun, Mexico
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Mory Ghomshei

Carnotech Energy Inc.

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Curriculum Vitae:

Shortly after completing his Ph.D. In "Mineral and Energy-producting Material" from University of Paris (1983), Mory Ghomshei started working on B.C. Hydro's Deep Geothermal Energy Project (in British Columbia, Canada). He has since been actively involved in evaluation and development of many North America and Asian Geothermal Energy prospects (e.g. Coso geothermal field in California, Meager Creek prospects in British Columbia, Mont Labo in Philippines). His expertise extends to evaluation of renewable energy resources and systems, Energy and Sustainability Metrics, integrated energy systems, energy system engineering design and environmental impact assessment for renewable energies (developed, for World Bank, environmental guidelines for geothermal power). As a director of Western Geopower he supervised deep geothermal drilling in Meager Creek.

Mory is presently the president of Carnotech Energy Inc., develping sustainable energy solutions and energy planning for large energy users: www.carnotechenergy.com

As an adjuct professor at UBC and McGill University, Mory has been teaching courses and conducting applied research on renewable energy resources and systems. He is a principal investigator in a number of Canadian and international geothermal energy projects (e.g. extraction of geothermal energy from Oil and gas wells).

Selected Publications (15 out of 150)

  1. Ghomshei, M., Hassani, F., Meech, J., Mousavi, N. (2013). The Northern Gateway Pipeline: A possible Corridor to Seed Renewable Energy in British Columbia, Canada. Keynote Paper (846). World mining Congress, Montreal, 2013.
  2. Ghoreishi, A.; Ghomshei, M., Hassani, F., Abbasi, F. (2012). Sustainable Heat Extraction from Abandoned Mine Tunnels: A Numerical Model. . Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy. 4, 033102 (2012), pp. 1 -16
  3. Kunkel, T., M. Ghomshei, & R. Ellis. 2012. Geothermal energy as an indigenous alternative energy source in British Columbia. Journal of Ecosystems and Management 13(2):1-16. Published by FORREX Forum for Research and Extension in Natural Resources. http://jem.forrex.org/index.php/jem/article/viewFile/108/457.
  4. Ghomshei, Mory, M. (2010) Canadian Geothermal Power Prospects. World Geothermal Congress 2010. Bali, Indonesia, 25-29 April 2010
  5. Mory Ghomshei. Postmodern sustainability. International Journal of Engineering and Interdisciplinary Mathematics. 2010., Volume 1 No. 2. Pp. 103 - 106
  6. Ghomshei, Mory M, and Sarah, J. Kimball.. Geochemical evidence of a geothermal power resource in the Canadian Rockies: Canoe Hot Springs, British Columbia. Geothermal Resources Council, 2009 Proceedings.
  7. Sadrai, S., Meech, J. A., Ghomshei, M, Sassani, F. and Tromans, D., "Influence of Impact Velocity on Fragmentation and Energy Efficiency of Comminution" , International Journal of Impact Engineering, Vol. 33, Nos. 1-12, 723-734, (2006).
  8. M.M. Ghomshei and J.A. Meech, 2000. "Application of Fuzzy Logic in Environmental Risk Assessment: Some Thoughts on Fuzzy Sets"; Cybernetics and Systems, an International Journal; 31(3), 317-332.
  9. M.M. Ghomshei and D.M. Allen, 2000. "Potential application of oxygen-18 and deuterium in mining effluent and acid rock drainage", Environmental Geology, 39(7), 767-773.
  10. M.M. Ghomshei, D.M. Allen, 2000. Hydrochemical and stable isotope assessment of tailings pond leakage at Nickel Plate Mine, British Columbia", Environmental Geology, 39(8), 937 - 944.
  11. R.D. Russell and M. Ghomshei, 1997. "Inverting Piezoelectric Measurements", Tectonophysics. 271: 21-35.
  12. M.M. Ghomshei. And Clark, I.D. (1993). Oxygen 18 and Deuterium in deep thermal waters from the South Meager Creek Geothermal system. Geothermics, 22(2), 79-89.
  13. M. Jessop, M. Ghomshei, M. Drury, 1991. Geothermal Energy in Canada. Geothermics, 20(5/6), 369-385.
  14. M.M. Ghomshei, J. Arkani-Hamed, D. Strangway, R.D. Russell, 1990. "Underplating of oceanic lithosphere in the Archean: possible mechanism for the formation of Archean komatiites". Tectonophysics, 173, 291-302.
  15. M.M. Ghomshei, S.A.S. Croft, and J.J. Stauder, 1986. "Geochemical evidence of chemical equilibria in the South Meager Creek Geothermal System", Geothermics, 15(1), 49 - 61.

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