2014 - Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit & Exhibition
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  29 June - 04 July 2014, Fiesta Americana Condesa Cancun All Inclusive Resort, Cancun, Mexico
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George Kaptay

Bay Zoltan Nonprofit Ltd and Uni-Miskolc

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Curriculum Vitae:

Dr. George Kaptay is a former professor and head of Department of Physical Chemistry and the present part-time professor and head of the Department of Nanotechnology at the University of Miskolc, Hungary. Dr. Kaptay is also the founding director and presently the scientific vice director and head of Department of Nano-composites of the BAY-NANO research institute on nanotechnology within the campus of the University of Miskolc, Hungary.

Dr Kaptay holds MSc and PhD degrees in metallurgical engineering (Leningrad, Russia) and a DSc degree in Interfacial Phenomena (Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary). His research interests include interfacial phenomena, chemical thermodynamics, electrochemical synthesis, nanotechnology, transport phenomena. He has authored 260 papers, including a review chapter on Interfacial Forces in the Taylor & Francis reference book for Health Sciences (2009). He has held visiting professor appointments at the University of Alabama (USA), Kyushu Institute of Technology (Japan) and Swinburne University of Technology (Australia). Earlier versions of a similar course were presented by him at Kyushu (2004), Melbourne (2007) and at the EUROMAT conferences in Prague (2005) and Glasgow (2009).

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