2014 - Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit & Exhibition
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  29 June - 04 July 2014, Fiesta Americana Condesa Cancun All Inclusive Resort, Cancun, Mexico
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Claudio Capiglia

Recruit R&D

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Curriculum Vitae:

Claudio Capiglia, Ph.D. (Dr.Eng.) hold a degree in Physical Chemistry, a Master in Electrochemistry and the Doctor of Chemistry from Pavia University (1993), and a Doctor of Engineering (Ph.D.) from Mie University (2003). He has almost two decades of research and management experience in Technology Research & Development, and Manufacturing of lithium ion batteries system and advanced materials.

  • After the discovery of new nano-composite polymer electrolyte for application in lithium ion battery at the National Research Council Laboratories (CNR, Italy), in 1997 he was invited to research at the Advanced Institute of Science and Technology of Osaka (AIST- KANSAI, Japan).
  • Since 1997 he has lived in Japan working with top batteries manufacturer, material industry, and universities. He developed novel gel polymer electrolytes used for the first mass production of lithium polymer batteries in 1999, then joint the Solid State Battery Technologies project for Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV) TOYOTA (Japan) to develop advanced lithium batteries.
  • From 2004 at HITEC Co. Ltd., (Japan) as a Senior Researcher Consultant and R&D Office Manager developed and consulted on battery technologies and advanced electronic materials for Japanese client corporations. He was involved with the investigation of lithium ion cell hazard after massive worldwide market recall in 2006, and new battery development for Smart Grid and stationary power application in 2008 (NEDO Project). He has been a scientific adviser to the Italian Embassy & Consulate in Japan, and Italy Japan bilateral R&D project coordinator.
  • Since 2009 he is a Program Manager at Recruit R&D Co., Ltd in Japan, an Advisory Board of MITO Technology (Politecnico di Milano spin off for Intellectual Propriety Management), and from 2011 a Visiting Professor at the Italian Institute of Technology (IIT). In 2009-2010 he was a Visiting Professor at the Politecnico di Torino. He has contributed to the foundation and co-directed a pilot plant facility for the research & development of lithium ion cells, and has managed operations between Europe and Japan, for the diffusion of batteries technologies, for the implementation of Hybrid and Electric Vehicles, Smart Grids, and the progress of Smart City projects envisioning a Sustainable Society.

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