2014 - Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit & Exhibition
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  29 June - 04 July 2014, Fiesta Americana Condesa Cancun All Inclusive Resort, Cancun, Mexico
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Andrey Dmitriev

Institute of Metallurgy
Russian Federation

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Curriculum Vitae:

Prof. Dr. Andrey N. Dmitriev - noted scientist in the field of development of scientific bases of complex use of mineral raw material. The basic scientific direction - development, perfection of mathematical models and their use for the analysis and optimization of processes of working of ores. For the first time has developed and has introduced a method of analytical research of blast furnace smelting on the basis of a complex of the two-dimensional mathematical models, essentially supplementing experimental methods used in practice. Has developed scientific bases of application of computer methods for the analysis and perfection of pyrometallurgy processes. Has developed an original technique of the influence estimation of the iron ore raw materials and coke quality on indicators of the blast furnace smelting. Scientific ideas and development are used at creation and perfection of technologies of processing of the titan-ferrous magnetite, chromic iron ore, silicate-nickel, sideritic ores, leucoxene concentrates directed on the elimination of deficiency existing in Ural of the steel-making iron-ore raw material, the raw material for manufacture of pigment dioxide of the titan and scrap. Is the leader of investigations on experimental and mathematical modeling of pyrometallurgy processes, the Regional program "Ural", the Federal program "State support of Integration of Higher Education and Fundamental Science", with the industrial enterprises, grants of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research and the International programs. The author of 5 monograph, more than 220 articles and 10 inventions. Participated as the lecturer (including invited lecturer) on many conferences including international. Was the official opponent at defence of 5 thesis for a Doctor's degree and 10 thesis for a Candidate's degree . The head of post-graduate students.


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