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  29 June - 04 July 2014, Fiesta Americana Condesa Cancun All Inclusive Resort, Cancun, Mexico
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Olof Forsen

Aalto University

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Curriculum Vitae:

Curriculum Vitae (Olof Forsén) Professor Olof Forsén holds the Chair of Professor in Corrosion and Hydrometallurgy at the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Aalto University School of Science and Technology since 2000. Professor Forsén received his MSc in 1974 and PhD in metallurgy in 1985 from Helsinki University of Technology. Professor Olof Forsén has been with Helsinki University of Technology since 1976. He has been a lecturer of numerous courses concerning applied electrochemistry, hydrometallurgy, surface technology, corrosion and materials science and environmental control in metallurgic industry. Professor Olof Forsén has supervised numerous theses for the degrees of MSc (more than 80) and 5 PhD theses in the fields of corrosion science, hydrometallurgy and surface plating techniques. He has been a chairman or a member of many councils or boards of scientific joint venture projects between the Helsinki University of Technology and both domestic and European and North American companies. For the moment, the research projects Olof Forsén deals with include the research and development of permanent stainless steel cathodes in copper electrorefining, environmentally safe leaching of sulphide minerals, development of hydrometallurgical processes for steel mill dust and sludge treatment, leaching and recovery of precious metals, passivation of stainless steels, corrosion prevention of ferrous materials and application of green inhibitors in process industry. He has more than 80 refereed journal articles (Materials Science Forum, Hydrometallurgy, Synthetic Metals, Electrochimica Acta, Surface and Coatings technology, Solid State Electrochemistry..) and more than 140 papers in international conference proceedings. He has also acted as examiner (opponent) at 12 doctoral dissertation in Finland and Europe.

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