2014 - Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit & Exhibition
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  29 June - 04 July 2014, Fiesta Americana Condesa Cancun All Inclusive Resort, Cancun, Mexico
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Paper Preparation

Please use the form below to upload your paper: Upload limit of 15 Mo, Number of pages limited to 25


The format size for this proceedings will be Letter (NOT A4 format). When you begin your paper, be sure to create a new document based on this template (do not open up the template itself). The paper size and margins for the template are setup according to the Paper Template

Note:The Paper Template is accessible when you are logged in to your account

These are the dimensions necessary for a one-column proceedings publication; please do not make any changes and be sure that everything in your paper (including all tables, artwork, etc.) is within these margins - if anything lays outside of these margins, it is in danger of being trimmed off.


The top of the first page of your paper contains the Title Page Copyright Information (TPCI), the title of your paper, all the author(s)' name(s) with affiliation(s) and a list of keywords; blank lines should separate each of these sections. After this information is set, please begin typing your paper, starting with the abstract.


The very top of the first page - flush right - contains generic TPCI. This is resident in the template to ensure that the necessary space for the TPCI is set aside. After your paper is submitted, SHECHTMAN Symposium Staff will input the proper TPCI for your specific publication.

Title and Authors

The title of your paper will directly follow the TPCI lines. Click on the text "SHECHTMAN WORD TEMPLATE FOR ONE-COLUMN PROCEEDINGS" and enter the title of your paper. After typing in the title, please follow the same procedure for clicking on and typing in the author(s)' name(s), author(s)' affiliation(s), and keywords. If there is more than one author, subsequent author's names should follow on the same line as the first author mentioned, continuing onto further lines as necessary; there should be a superscript number following each author's name that corresponds to the proper affiliation.

Each author's affiliation should be put on a separate line (two lines if necessary), with a superscript number at the beginning that corresponds to the correct author(s) in the previous section.


Between the author(s)' affiliation(s) and Abstract, please enter at least three appropriate keywords for your paper.


This template has certain character/paragraph styles predefined. As you add in headings and paragraphs, you will need to make sure that the new text receives the proper formatting style; the buttons described later can help with this task.

If you have typed your paper in another software application and are pasting it into this template, Word usually tries to retain the original formatting style. So, once the text is pasted in, you will need to apply the proper SHECHTMAN style in the Paper Template.


The references are those or similar to those given by default by Microsoft Word software. The template of references is given below:
1F. Kongoli, I.McBow and A. Yazawa: Liquidus Surface of "Lime Ferrite" Slags at Intermediate Oxygen Potentials, Materials Transaction, 44 (2003), 2136-2140

2F. Kongoli and A. Yazawa, Proceedings of Sixth International Conference on Molten Slags, Fluxes and Salts, Stockholm-Helsinki, 2000. Ed. S. Seetharaman and D. Sichen, (Trita Met 85, 2000), CD Rom, 016.pdf

3F Herbert. LUND, The Mc Graw Hill Recyccling Handbook, 1993, McGraw Hill, chapter 18.


When you are ready to submit your paper, please make sure that the last name of the primary author is used as the filename and then:

  1. Go to the SHECHTMAN Symposium web site and log in using the same email and password that were used when you submitted your abstract.
  2. Click on the "Upload Paper" link.
  3. From the Paper Submission page, fill the required information.
  4. You should submit the original source file: a Word document AND a PDF version. When you are submitting a PDF file, please be sure that all fonts are embedded within the file.

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