About Us

FLOGEN Star Outreach (www.flogen.org), is a not-for-profit corporation, incorporated under the Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act ( https://laws.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/c-7.75) having the corporation number 830734-2 and Business Number 839765732.

It is dedicated to achieving sustainability through science and technology, raising the profile of science and engineering in the society and properly honoring scientists and engineers It organises among others the SIPS - Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit ( https://www.flogen.org/?p=32#toop ) is a science-focused and industrial engineering-oriented multidisciplinary conference held every year around the world with an average participation of 500 authors from academia, industry, government and the entrepreneurship world representing on average 80 countries. The summit is dedicated to achieving sustainability through science and technology and hosts regularly numerous Nobel Laureates.

Its motto is:

"Without scientists, technologists and engineers there is no short- and long-term sustainable future. Without them the world cannot function. Yet they are not properly acknowledged society wide. They are the silent STARs of the society. For the sake of our sustainable future let´s bring proper acknowledgement to our scientists, technologists and engineers at a normal STAR level of our society in order to achieve global sustainable development."

Our Leader: Dr Florian Kongoli
Florian Kongoli
Click here for Dr. Florian Kongoli CV