Mathematical Modeling of SER Jet-Emulsion Process
Tsymbal1; Alexey
Olennikov1; Inna
Rybenko1; Pavel
Sechenov1; Florian
Type of Paper: Keynote
Id Paper: 180
Topic: 2Abstract:
SER Jet-Emulsion Process is a new, compact, energy efficient, environmentally friendly and waste-free iron and steel technology. Its physicochemical fundamentals based on the theory of self-organization at significant deviation from thermodynamic equilibrium as well as its industrial features and advantages have been described in our previous publications.
In this paper, a mathematical model of one of the main units of this process, the refining column or the gravitational separator is described. The model is based on the 'first principles' Monte Carlo method, in which the particles of charge materials and reaction products interact. The model simulates elastic and inelastic interactions, as well as the chemical transformations that take place in this process.
The mathematical model was extensively tested especially in the separation of the constituents of fine-dispersed dust from manganese production.
The obtained regularities, reflecting the process dynamics in space and time were proven important for the choice of design and regime parameters of the column reactors.
Alloy; Gas; Iron; Metallurgy; Steel; Temperature;Theory of Self-organization; Simulation Model; Monte-Carlo Method; Interactions;Non-waste Technology; Synthesis Gas; Alumino-silicates;
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Tsymbal V, Olennikov A, Rybenko I, Sechenov P, Kongoli F. (2017).
Mathematical Modeling of SER Jet-Emulsion Process.
In Kongoli F, Conejo A, Gomez-Marroquin MC
(Eds.), Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit
SIPS 2017 Volume 9. Iron and Steel, Metals and Alloys
(pp. 104-115).
Montreal, Canada: FLOGEN Star Outreach