Lightweight Ti,Nb-Al-C MAX Phases-based Materials: Preparation, Structure, and Properties
Prikhna1; Vladimir
Sverdun1; Orest
Ostash2; Andriy
Ivasyshyn2; Myroslav
Karpets1; Thierry
Cabioc'h3; Lucyna
Jaworska4; Patrick
Chartier3; Viktor
Moshchil1; Jolanta
Cyboroń4; Tetiana
Zimych1; Alexandra
Starostina1; 0; Fernand
Marquis5; Andrzej
Kalinka6; Andrzej
Kalinka6; Sergey
Dub6; Anatoliy
Kostornov6; 0; 0;
Type of Paper: Invited
Id Paper: 323
Topic: 43Abstract:
This paper presents and discusses the interrelations between preparation, structure, and properties of Ti–Al–C MAX-phases-based materials of the 211 and 312 structural types, and materials based on (Ti, Nb)–Al–C solid solution of the 312 type. The materials were prepared in vacuum under 1.6×10-3 Pа, by pressureless synthesis in argon under 0.1 MPa, hot pressing under 30 MPa, and high temperature–high pressure sintering at 2 GPa. The materials structure was investigated using X-ray with Rietveld refinement, SEM and Auger spectroscopy. The physical and mechanical properties: hardness, fracture toughness, bending and compressive strength, Young modulus, logarithmic decrement of damping oscillations, friction coefficient, strength stability in hydrogen at 600 oC, long-term oxidation resistance in air at 600 oC, 1000 h, stability in radiation environment and electrical resistivity were measured. These properties make these materials very promising as interconnectionion material for hydrogen fuel cells, damping and current collector materials, polishing powders for jewelry stones, and many other applications.
New and advanced materials;
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Prikhna T, Sverdun V, Ostash O, Ivasyshyn A, Karpets M, Cabioc'h T, Jaworska L, Chartier P, Moshchil V, Cyboroń J, Zimych T, Starostina A, Basyuk T, Marquis F, Kalinka A, Kalinka A, Dub S, Kostornov A, Varchenko V, . (2017).
Lightweight Ti,Nb-Al-C MAX Phases-based Materials: Preparation, Structure, and Properties.
In Kongoli F, Marquis F, Chikhradze N
(Eds.), Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit
SIPS 2017 Volume 5. Marquis Intl. Symp. / New and Advanced Materials and Technologies
(pp. 367-386).
Montreal, Canada: FLOGEN Star Outreach