The Development and Business Value of Modern Process Mineralogy
Type of Paper: Plenary
Id Paper: 325
Topic: 5Abstract:
The modern best practice of process mineralogy has developed over the last three decades into an effective business machine by integrating the disciplines of sampling, mineralogy and mineral processing to design and arrange a mineral processing flowsheet more optimally. Together with the advances made in mineralogical instrument design, leading to programmable automated platforms such as Quantitative Evaluation of Minerals by Scanning Electron Microscopy (QEMSCAN), or Mineral Liberation Analyser (MLA), supporting methodology in sampling based on the models of Pierre Gy, 1979, such as Statistical Benchmark Surveying, and in flotation testing such as High-Confidence Flotation Testing (HCFT), have greatly enhanced the ability of this integrated system to deliver sound, quantitative process implications for practical use to improve the performance of the mineral processing flowsheet. The selection and training of these teams has also proved to be a very influential factor in this outcome. It is the cross-training and interaction between these disciplines that delivers a synergy to the overall flowsheet development effort. Several case studies will be discussed, as well as the existing modern structure of the best practice.
Characterization; Flotation; Mineral; Performance;
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Lotter N. (2017).
The Development and Business Value of Modern Process Mineralogy.
In Kongoli F, Bradshaw D, Waters K, Starkey J, Silva AC
(Eds.), Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit
SIPS 2017 Volume 4. Lotter Intl. Symp. / Mineral Processing
(pp. 57-72).
Montreal, Canada: FLOGEN Star Outreach