2016-Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit
SIPS 2016 Volume 8: Non-ferrous, Rotary Kiln, Ferro-alloys, Rare Earth, Coal

Editors:Kongoli F, Xueyi G, Shumskiy V, Kozlov P, Capiglia C, Silva AC, Turna T
Publisher:Flogen Star OUTREACH
Publication Year:2016
Pages:350 pages
ISSN:2291-1227 (Metals and Materials Processing in a Clean Environment Series)
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    Optimization And Control Of Hoboken Converter Operations With Flogen Contop Control Expert System

    Lucas C. Vieira1; Marcella F. Guzzo1; Frederico C. Leite1; Mauricio Bittencourt Marques1; Marcos Henrique Carlos de Souza2; Redouane Merdjani3; Florian Kongoli3;
    1PARANAPANEMA, Dias d'Avila, Brazil; 2FLOGEN TECHNOLOGIES INC., Sao Paulo, Brazil; 3FLOGEN TECHNOLOGIES INC., Mont-Royal, Canada;
    Type of Paper: Plenary
    Id Paper: 482
    Topic: 6


    FLOGEN CONTOP offline and online control expert system was commissioned in Paranapanema smelter at Dias D’Avila in order to control and optimize the Hoboken Converters operations. The results indicate the possibility to decrease the amount of silica used as a flux, minimize the slag and copper blowing time, maximize the use of reverts, minimize slag volume and decrease copper losses in the slag. The system finds the optimum of the charge among various scenarios while the main process parameters (such as bath temperature, sulfur content in the blister and copper in the slag) are calculated during the operation, providing a clearer overview of the process and supporting the determination of slag and copper blowing end point. The presentation will describe some of these achievements.

    Cite this article as:

    Vieira L, Guzzo M, Leite F, Bittencourt Marques M, de Souza M, Merdjani R, Kongoli F. Optimization And Control Of Hoboken Converter Operations With Flogen Contop Control Expert System. In: Kongoli F, Xueyi G, Shumskiy V, Kozlov P, Capiglia C, Silva AC, Turna T, editors. Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit SIPS 2016 Volume 8: Non-ferrous, Rotary Kiln, Ferro-alloys, Rare Earth, Coal. Volume 8. Montreal(Canada): FLOGEN Star Outreach. 2016. p. 89-90.