2016-Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit
SIPS 2016 Volume 4: Santilli Intl. Symp. / Mathematics Applications

Editors:Kongoli F, Gaines G, Georgiev S, Bhalekar A
Publisher:Flogen Star OUTREACH
Publication Year:2016
Pages:320 pages
ISSN:2291-1227 (Metals and Materials Processing in a Clean Environment Series)
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    The Jiang Periodic Table Of Elements

    Chun-xuan Jiang1;
    1XXX, Beijing, China;
    Type of Paper: Regular
    Id Paper: 384
    Topic: 38


    Using the stable number theory we calculate the best electron configurations of the elements and not from experimental data[6-8].We make the Jiang periodic table of the elements.
    In studying the stability of the many-body problem we suggest two principles [1-9].
    (1) The prime number principle. A prime number is irreducible in the integers, it seems, therefore, natural to associate it with the most stable subsystem. We prove that 1, 3, 5, 7, 11, 23, 47 are the most stable primes.
    (2) The symmetric principle. The most stable configuration of two prime numbers is then a stable symmetric system in nature. We prove that 2, 4, 6, 10, 14, 22, 46, 94 are the most stable even numbers. The stability can be defined as long life and existence in nature, and instability as short life or non-existence in nature.

    Cite this article as:

    Jiang C. The Jiang Periodic Table Of Elements. In: Kongoli F, Gaines G, Georgiev S, Bhalekar A, editors. Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit SIPS 2016 Volume 4: Santilli Intl. Symp. / Mathematics Applications. Volume 4. Montreal(Canada): FLOGEN Star Outreach. 2016. p. 65-66.