Basic Principles And Features Of Self-Organizing Jet-Emulsion Technology (SER)
Tsymbal1; Alexey
Olennikov1; Inna
Rybenko1; Vadim
Kozhemyachenko1; Eugene
Protopopov1; Florian
Type of Paper: Regular
Id Paper: 126
Topic: 2Abstract:
In a previous paper of the authors, a new technology for producing iron and/or steel through a new self-organizing jet-emulsion technology and its unit SER was described. The purpose of this paper is to describe the basic principles of this technology.
The core of this process is based on the theory of self-organization and the principle of forced movement of two-phase working mixtures in a closed system under pressure which creates conditions for the deviation of the system from thermodynamic equilibrium. This way the system can change its end state to move on to the higher level of organization.
The above conditions are achieved due to a special design of the metallurgical unit. The main elements of the unit are a reactor-oscillator and a refining-settling tank (column reactor). This paper describes the physicochemical fundamentals of both reactor-oscillator and that of the refining-settling tank (column reactor)
Based on these fundamentals the new technology and its unit SER may be used to create energy-intensive small mini-mills containing an entire metallurgical cycle (from ore to steel) that can be mobile units with a fully closed energy loop and without crane equipment.
Dust; Energy; Ferrous; Modeling; Optimization; Process; Recovery; Recycling; Slag; Steel; Structure; Technology; Waste;
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Tsymbal V, Olennikov A, Rybenko I, Kozhemyachenko V, Protopopov E, Kongoli F. Basic Principles And Features Of Self-Organizing Jet-Emulsion Technology (SER). In: Kongoli F, Noldin JH, Takano C, Lins F, Gomez Marroquin MC, Contrucci M, editors. Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit SIPS 2016 Volume 1: D'Abreu Intl. Symp. / Iron and Steel Making. Volume 1. Montreal(Canada): FLOGEN Star Outreach. 2016. p. 214-227.