2015-Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit
SIPS 2015 Volume 3: Takano Intl. Symp. / Metals & Alloys Processing

Editors:Kongoli F, Noldin JH, Mourao MB, Tschiptschin AP, D'Abreu JC
Publisher:Flogen Star OUTREACH
Publication Year:2015
Pages:550 pages
ISSN:2291-1227 (Metals and Materials Processing in a Clean Environment Series)
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    Simultaneous Metallization And Dri Carburization In Dr Shaft Furnaces: A Sustainable Ironmaking Process

    Jose D Abreu1; Edelink Falero1; Mauricio Otaviano2;
    1PUC-RIO, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; 2SAMARCO MINING COMPANY, Ubu, Brazil;
    Type of Paper: Plenary
    Id Paper: 358
    Topic: 3


    The Direct Reduction processes are one of the most consolidated ironmaking technologies, particularly the DR shaft furnaces process, which amounts to more than 65% of the world DRI production. An important aspect is their low gaseous emission impact as compared with other ironmaking technologies, due to their top gas recycling feature, aiming to generate the reductant gases CO and H2 throughout the catalyzed reforming reactions between Natural Gas and CO2 or steam. Another significant technological aspect refers to the DRI carburization, which also plays a key role on the carbon process footprint, due to the electrical energy abatement on the further EAF steelmaking refining step. In this context, both the gas recycling and DRI carburization confer an undeniable sustainability differential to the DR shaft furnace process. The present communication deals with these issues, focusing the cooperative research programs between PUC-Rio University / Iron & Steelmaking Group and steelwork companies, ranging from experimental laboratories to applied mathematical models.
    KEYWORDS: Direct Reduction; Ironmaking; DRI Carburization; Mathematical Models


    Carbon; Iron; Metallurgy; Modeling; Recycling; Sustainability;


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    Cite this article as:

    D Abreu J and Falero E and Otaviano M. Simultaneous Metallization And Dri Carburization In Dr Shaft Furnaces: A Sustainable Ironmaking Process. In: Kongoli F, Noldin JH, Mourao MB, Tschiptschin AP, D'Abreu JC, editors. Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit SIPS 2015 Volume 3: Takano Intl. Symp. / Metals & Alloys Processing. Volume 3. Montreal(Canada): FLOGEN Star Outreach. 2015. p. 327-338.